发布时间:2018-12-10 16:17
【摘要】:目前全世界已经有100多个国家、近3500所高校和中小学开设了汉语课,国际上学汉语的热潮方兴未艾,据统计,目前外国来华学习汉语的已有4000多万人之多。随着汉语国际传播工作的发展,汉语教师日益短缺、汉语教材日益丰富、汉语学习者的学习者越来越多,汉语国际传播网络教学应运而生,并以极快的速度在发展壮大,很多汉语培训机构正运用网络进行教学,因此进行系统的理论研究工作已经迫在眉睫。 我们在海外大量需求汉语教师、世界各地不断成立孔子学院的美好现状面前,不能过分乐观,全球汉语教与学的基础非常薄弱,有很多的问题需要解决,最突出的莫过于“三教”问题,其表现为:教师人才匮乏、教材缺乏针对性、教学法缺乏适应性等,,而最大的难题是如何构建优质师资和建立完善的教学体系。网络教学自身具备的优势使其成为解决这个问题的最佳途径,与面对面的实景教学不同的是,网络教学的平台是建立在互联网这个虚拟空间内的,受众广泛,若能充分合理的利用这个途径,将汉语国际传播工作实际和网络教学紧密相结合,就可以扬长避短,解决“三教”问题,才能将汉语国际传播事业在国际间顺利开展,更好地将汉文化发扬广大。 本文包括六个部分,每个部分的内容如下: 第1章是绪论部分,介绍了本文的研究背景和研究方法及研究内容,对汉语教学网站的构建方式、授课方法、教学侧重点等影响汉语国际传播的效果因素进行研究,并对汉语国际传播的现状和不足、网络教学的特点、汉语教学网站的类型进行总结,探讨如何在网上进行汉字、语音、语法、听力、写作、阅读和文化等方面的教学,同时对文中的创新点和不足之处也进行了总结。 第2章是汉语国际传播教学发展概况,首先研究对外汉语教学国际传播教学发展情况和特点,比较对外汉语教学和汉语国际传播的区别,列举中国汉语国际传播取得的成就,就周边国家汉语热突出、欧美国家学习需求强劲的现状,总结目前汉语国际传播教学理论研究和实际工作的成就。 第3章是本文的主体部分。分析了汉语国际传播网络教学的优势和及加强网络教学研究的必要性,对目前网络教学的不利因素,如:汉语国际传播教师资源匮乏和地域限制等进行分析,并强调进行汉语国际传播网络教学研究的紧迫性。此外,总结了汉语国际传播网络教学的几种模式,并用典型网站进行具体说明,分析汉语国际传播网络教学中存在的问题。 第4章是汉语国际传播网络教学课程研究,包括汉字网络教学研究、汉语语音网络教学研究、汉语语法网络教学研究,汉语写作网络教学研究。汉语听力和阅读及文化网络教学研究。 第5章是对汉语网络教学的一些建议,构建网上网下交融的教学环境,中国人的母语能力尤其是对外汉语教师的汉语能力急需提高,对外汉语师资力量要加强,并且要集合各种优质网络资源,用多种途径传播汉语,积极营造汉语文化环境。 第6章是结论部分,汉语国际传播是个长远而艰巨的任务,网络教学是传播的手段,建立网络和在网络中教学的人都要完善自身的汉语文化素养和理论修养,能够建设出既具备汉语教育专业性而又具备网络教学先进技术好网站,为汉语国际传播作出更大的贡献!
[Abstract]:At present, more than 100 countries have been in the world, and nearly 3,500 universities and primary and secondary schools have opened Chinese classes, and the upsurge of international education in Chinese is not in the ascendant. According to statistics, there are more than 40 million people in foreign countries to study Chinese. With the development of Chinese international communication, there is a shortage of Chinese teachers, the Chinese teaching materials are becoming more and more abundant, the learners of Chinese learners become more and more, the Chinese international communication network teaching has emerged, and at a very fast speed, Many Chinese training institutions are using the network for teaching, so the theoretical research of the system is imminent. We have a large number of Chinese teachers in overseas, and we can't be overly optimistic about the good current situation of the Confucius Institutes around the world. The foundation for teaching and learning in the world is very weak. There are a lot of problems to be solved. The most prominent is the 鈥渢hree-teaching鈥
[Abstract]:At present, more than 100 countries have been in the world, and nearly 3,500 universities and primary and secondary schools have opened Chinese classes, and the upsurge of international education in Chinese is not in the ascendant. According to statistics, there are more than 40 million people in foreign countries to study Chinese. With the development of Chinese international communication, there is a shortage of Chinese teachers, the Chinese teaching materials are becoming more and more abundant, the learners of Chinese learners become more and more, the Chinese international communication network teaching has emerged, and at a very fast speed, Many Chinese training institutions are using the network for teaching, so the theoretical research of the system is imminent. We have a large number of Chinese teachers in overseas, and we can't be overly optimistic about the good current situation of the Confucius Institutes around the world. The foundation for teaching and learning in the world is very weak. There are a lot of problems to be solved. The most prominent is the 鈥渢hree-teaching鈥