[Abstract]:This paper contrasts the word form and word meaning between Yugu language and Mongolian language, and presents the present situation and evolution of Yugu language in eastern part of China through the correspondence between words and expressions. This paper is composed of introduction, chapter one, chapter two and conclusion. The introduction includes the purpose and significance of the topic, the general situation of the research, the research methods and so on. The first chapter compares the morphology of Yugu language and Mongolian language in the east. The contrast shows that the proportion of homologous words in the two languages is larger, and the words about animal husbandry production in the eastern Yugu language vocabulary are obviously rich, but the words of new things are poor. The second chapter compares the meanings of Yugu language and Mongolian language. This paper contrasts the correspondence between the two languages. There are many Mongolian words and words used in dialect. In the eastern Yugu language, there is also the phenomenon of word loss. The conclusion summarizes the full text and summarizes the innovation of the paper.
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