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发布时间:2019-01-24 21:18
【摘要】:孟子是传承孔子儒家思想最具影响的人物之一,世称“亚圣”。《孟子》一书,记录了孟子的言论及其思想,是儒家的经典文献。汉以来,研治《孟子》者众,著述丰,形成了专门学问——《孟子》学。在《孟子》学史上,有三部著作广为学者所推崇,即汉代赵岐的《孟子章句》、宋代朱熹的《孟子集注》、清代焦循的《孟子正义》。目前学界不论是对赵岐《孟子章句》,还是对朱熹《孟子集注》,都作了卓有成效的研究,但仍侧重于对两部著作的个体研究,将两者作为整体观照的比较性研究成果目前还未见,本文将以此作为研究对象。 赵岐《孟子章句》,是现存最早的《孟子》注本,其在《孟子》学史上具有开创性的地位,对《孟子》研究具有奠基的作用。赵岐注《孟子》,在重视训诂的同时,也重微言大义,为历代研《孟》学者所推崇。朱熹《孟子集注》本赵而注,在一定程度上是对赵注的继承和发展,其推崇赵注之精审,补赵注之不足。但朱熹《孟子集注》有自身的特点,对赵岐《孟子章句》又有一定的超越。亦或曰:赵注与朱注,各有所长,各具特色。本文将以两部著作为研究对象,在综合比较的前提下,从多方面探寻朱注对赵注的继承和发展,并在此基础上探究两者的分歧。 本文主要展示四个方面:第一,比较《孟子章句》、《孟子集注》的训释体例和训释方法;第二,展示《孟子集注》对《孟子章句》的推崇;第三,分析《孟子集注》对《孟子章句》的继承与发展;第四,探究《孟子章句》与《孟子集注》之间存在的分歧。 经过比较我们认为:赵注重在训诂,成就显著;其微言大义,也较为精准独到。朱熹《孟子集注》在训诂上继承和发展了赵注,但也有自己的个性和特色;而对《孟子》义理诠释可谓是空前的,将《孟子》义理学推上了一个高峰。二者都代表了各自时代《孟子》学的最高水平。朱注既推赵注,又继承和发展了赵注,同时两者训《孟》、释《孟》也存有分歧。 通过《孟子章句》、《孟子集注》比较、探析,可以了解汉、宋治《孟》特点、目标指向及汉至宋《孟子》学发展轨迹。
[Abstract]:Mencius is one of the most influential people in inheriting Confucius' Confucian thought. Mencius is called "A Sage". Mencius records Mencius' comments and thoughts, and is a classic Confucian document. Since the Han Dynasty, the study of Mencius was abundant and formed a special knowledge-Mencius. In the history of Mencius, there are three works widely praised by scholars, namely Zhao Qi's Mencius Zhang sentence in Han Dynasty, Zhu Xi's Mencius Collection in Song Dynasty, and Jiaoxun's Mencius Justice in Qing Dynasty. At present, academic circles have made fruitful research on Zhao Qi's "Mencius Zhang sentence" or Zhu Xi's "Mencius Collection", but they still focus on the individual study of the two works. At present, the comparative research results of the two as a whole have not been seen, this paper will take them as the object of study. Zhao Qi's Zhang sentence of Mencius is the earliest extant annotated version of Mencius, which has a pioneering position in the history of Mencius' studies and has a foundation for the study of Mencius. Zhao Qi notes Mencius, while attaching great importance to exegesis, but also stressed the meaning of the study of the past dynasties by the scholars. Zhu Xi's Note of Mencius is to some extent the inheritance and development of Zhao's note, which honors the fine examination of Zhao's note and complements the deficiency of Zhao's note. But Zhu Xi has its own characteristics and transcends Zhao Qi. Or: Zhao Note and Zhu Note, each has its own strengths, each has its own characteristics. This article will take two works as the research object, under the premise of comprehensive comparison, will explore the inheritance and development of Zhu Note to Zhao Note from many aspects, and on this basis will explore the differences between the two works. This article mainly displays four aspects: first, compares the Mencius chapter sentence, Mencius collection note > the explanation style and the explanation method, second, displays the Mencius collection note to the Mencius chapter sentence praise, the second, displays the Mencius chapter sentence, the Mencius chapter sentence. Thirdly, it analyzes the inheritance and development of Mencius Chapter, and probes into the differences between Mencius Chapter sentence and Mencius Collection Note. After comparison, we think that Zhao pays attention to the exegesis, the achievement is remarkable; its minor meaning, also more accurate and original. Zhu Xi inherits and develops Zhao Notes in his exegesis, but he also has his own personality and characteristics, and his interpretation of justice and theory is unprecedented, pushing the study of righteousness and theory to a peak. Both represent the highest level of Mencius learning in their respective times. Zhu not only pushed Zhao Note, but also inherited and developed Zhao Note. At the same time, they admonished and interpreted Mencius. Through the comparison of Mencius Chapter sentences and Mencius notes, we can understand the characteristics of Han Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Mencius, the aim of which is to point to the development of Mencius from Han Dynasty to Song Dynasty.


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