发布时间:2019-02-28 13:16
【摘要】:汉语声调是无声调语言母语者汉语学习中的难点之一。本文主要研究藏语安多方言同仁话的母语发音人在汉语声调习得方面体现出的特征。内容主要包括三个方面:(1)安多藏族汉语学习者的声调模式;(2)藏语安多方言词重音模式;(3)中介语声调模式与藏语安多方言词重音模式的比较。本研究遵循实验语音学的研究思路,将实验数据与理论分析相结合,在实验数据的基础上概括出藏语安多方言区汉语学习者汉语声调以及母语词重音的基本模式。通过两种模式的交叉比较,拟寻找母语词重音对汉语声调习得的影响,进而提出有效的声调教学建议。 本研究所采用的语料,均为孤立朗读状态的词语,词语包括单音节字、双音节词、三音节词和四音节词。其中中介语部分的语料选自藏族学生说汉语语音语料库,藏语安多方言语料来自实验室录音材料。本研究主要围绕音高、音长和音强三大声学参数,对中介语声调模式进行分析,并按照发音人语言水平的不同,分三组进行考察,得到声调习得的动态特征。同样用此方法,对藏语安多方言词重音的声学模式进行考察。最后通过两种模式的比较,寻求母语重音对中介语声调的影响规律。 本文共分五章,具体结构安排如下: 第一章绪论,主要介绍汉语声调作为第二语言声调的研究动态,包括藏族学生学习汉语声调声调研究情况。内容涉及声调习得顺序、偏误类型及汉语声调教学方法。 第二章主要介绍本文研究所用语料的来源以及语料的处理方法。 第三章主要分析了安多藏族学生汉语声调的声学特征,分别对单音节、双音节、三音节和四音节词的声调模式进行深入分析,既包括整体声调模式又包括主要偏误类型,还对单音节词的声调准确度进行定量、定性分析。 第四章主要从音高、音长和音强三个方面探索了藏语安多方言词重音模式。 第五章对藏语安多方言词重音模式与中介语声调模式进行比较并提出声调教学建议。 安多藏族汉语学习者声调特征主要体现以下几个方面:(1)声调习得顺序为去声、阴平、上声、阳平。这种顺序不受音节数量的影响。并且四个调类的习得过程不是平行的。(2)调型的发展先于调值的发展。(3)从单音节字到多音节词,声调习得连续性表现不同。(4)声调偏误特征类型因发音人语言水平和音节数量有差异。单音节:中、高水平发音人偏误主要体现在调值方面,低水平发音人偏误主要集中在调型方面;多音节词:中、高水平发音人偏误表现为同一声调的调型分散,而低水平发音人各声调的音高走势基本一致。(5)音高、音长和音强存在一定的对应关系。双音节词声调偏误降调的表现为音长短音强重。(6)音强随着音节数量的增多而逐渐减弱,音长模式不受音节数量影响。 藏语安多方言的音高虽然不区别意义,但音高突显的位置在音节中相对固定,在语流中基本不变,我们可以称其为“习惯性音高”。本文还对藏语安多方言词重音进行了探索。 (1)不同音节数量的音高模式不同。 单音节词音高总体说来可以分成两类:降调和平调,以降调为主,因韵尾不同而有差异。双音节词音高模式主要有两种:一种为主要模式中平调+高降调模式,音高突显在第二音节,另一种为高平调+中降调模式,音高突显在第一音节,这种音高模式主要为动词的主谓结构。三音节词音高模式由于音节组合方式的不同而不同,1+2型三音节词音高模式为高平+中平+低降,音高突显在第一音节,2+1型三音节词为中平+高降+低降模式,音高突显在第二音节。四音节词的音高模式(2+2型音节组合结构),基本呈现平调+高降调+中平调+中降调的特征,是双音节词音高模式的扩展,不受语法结构影响。 (2)音高、音长、音强在特殊音高模式上存在对应关系。 双音节动词的音长、音强分布模式与其音高模式一致,均在第一音节突显。1+2型三音节词,音高、音长、音强均在第一音节位置突显。 通过上述两种模式的对比,本文认为母语重音模式对中介语声调模式存在一定影响,反映在中介语声调中体现出交叉模式的特征。具体表现为: 1、音高、音长、音强在两种模式中的影响程度有差异。 2、交叉模式是一个动态过程,随着语言水平提高,交叉模式的影响越小 3、交叉模式不完全是两种语言现象的叠加,还有语言普遍性的存在。 在此基础上,提出声调教学建议如下: 1、在教学的基础阶段,对母语和目标语语言系统进行一些有针对性的对比分析,有利于确定教学中的难点和重点。 2、汉语声调教学方法本身的改进,包括(1)加强不同声调之间对比的听辨;(2)声调特征分段教学策略;(3)单音节字和多音节词声调的发音训练;(4)加强阳平和上声两个声调的教学。
[Abstract]:The Chinese tone is one of the difficult points in the Chinese study of the non-tonal language. This paper mainly studies the characteristics of the native speaker's native speaker in the Chinese tone acquisition. The content mainly includes three aspects: (1) the tone pattern of the Tibetan Chinese learners; (2) the Tibetan language and the multi-party language stress pattern; and (3) the comparison of the interlanguage tone pattern with the Tibetan and the Tibetan language stress patterns. This study is based on the study of the experimental phonetics, and combines the experimental data with the theoretical analysis. On the basis of the experimental data, the basic pattern of the Chinese tone and the stress of the native tongue of the Chinese learners in the Tibetan Ando dialect area is summarized. Through the cross-comparison of the two modes, it is proposed to find the influence of the accent of the mother tongue on the Chinese tone acquisition, and then put forward the effective method of tone teaching. The language used by this research institute is the word of isolated reading state. The words include monosyllabic words, two-syllable words, three-syllable words and four syllables. the corpus of the interlanguage part is selected from the group consisting of the Tibetan students, the Chinese speech corpus, the Tibetan language and the multi-party speech material from the laboratory recording material, In this study, the tone pattern of the interlanguage is analyzed, and the tone pattern of the interlanguage is analyzed, and the dynamic state of the tone acquisition is obtained according to the difference of the language level of the speaker. An acoustic model of the stress of an anaphone in the Tibetan language. A. Finally, through the comparison of the two modes, the effect of the accent of the mother tongue on the tone of the interlanguage is sought. The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the first chapter, which mainly introduces the study of the Chinese tone as a second language tone, including the Tibetan students' learning of the Chinese tone. The study of tone acquisition. The contents relate to the order of tone acquisition, the type of deviation and the sound of Chinese. The second chapter mainly introduces the source of the terms and materials of the research institute. The third chapter mainly analyzes the acoustic characteristics of the Chinese tone of Ando Tibetan students, and analyses the tone patterns of single-syllable, double-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words, both of which include the whole tone pattern. And the tone accuracy of the single-syllable words is also included. The fourth chapter is to make a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The fourth chapter mainly explores the three aspects of pitch, length and sound. A Study of the Pattern of the Stress-stress of the Tibetan Language and the Tone Pattern of the Interlanguage in the Tibetan This paper makes a comparison and puts forward the suggestion of tone teaching. The tone characteristics of the Chinese learners in Ando Tibetan are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) tone study The order of order is to go to the sound, the yin flat, the upper sound, the yang The order is not affected by the number of syllables. And the acquisition process of the four classes is not parallel. (2) The development of the adjustment type is before the development of the value adjustment. (3) from the single syllable word to the multi-syllable word The continuous performance of the syllable words and the tone acquisition is different. (4) The characteristic type of the deviation of the tone There is a difference in the level of the speaker's language and the number of syllables. The pitch of each tone of the speaker is generally consistent. (5) pitch A certain correspondence between the length of the sound and the sound. The performance of the misadjustment of the tone is strong. (6) The sound intensity gradually increases with the increase of the number of syllables. The pattern of phonology is not affected by the number of syllables. Although the pitch of the Tibetan Ando dialect is not different, the position of the pitch point is relatively fixed in the syllable, basically the same in the language stream, and we can call it as" trunk> "hb. itual pitch" .鏈,
[Abstract]:The Chinese tone is one of the difficult points in the Chinese study of the non-tonal language. This paper mainly studies the characteristics of the native speaker's native speaker in the Chinese tone acquisition. The content mainly includes three aspects: (1) the tone pattern of the Tibetan Chinese learners; (2) the Tibetan language and the multi-party language stress pattern; and (3) the comparison of the interlanguage tone pattern with the Tibetan and the Tibetan language stress patterns. This study is based on the study of the experimental phonetics, and combines the experimental data with the theoretical analysis. On the basis of the experimental data, the basic pattern of the Chinese tone and the stress of the native tongue of the Chinese learners in the Tibetan Ando dialect area is summarized. Through the cross-comparison of the two modes, it is proposed to find the influence of the accent of the mother tongue on the Chinese tone acquisition, and then put forward the effective method of tone teaching. The language used by this research institute is the word of isolated reading state. The words include monosyllabic words, two-syllable words, three-syllable words and four syllables. the corpus of the interlanguage part is selected from the group consisting of the Tibetan students, the Chinese speech corpus, the Tibetan language and the multi-party speech material from the laboratory recording material, In this study, the tone pattern of the interlanguage is analyzed, and the tone pattern of the interlanguage is analyzed, and the dynamic state of the tone acquisition is obtained according to the difference of the language level of the speaker. An acoustic model of the stress of an anaphone in the Tibetan language. A. Finally, through the comparison of the two modes, the effect of the accent of the mother tongue on the tone of the interlanguage is sought. The article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the first chapter, which mainly introduces the study of the Chinese tone as a second language tone, including the Tibetan students' learning of the Chinese tone. The study of tone acquisition. The contents relate to the order of tone acquisition, the type of deviation and the sound of Chinese. The second chapter mainly introduces the source of the terms and materials of the research institute. The third chapter mainly analyzes the acoustic characteristics of the Chinese tone of Ando Tibetan students, and analyses the tone patterns of single-syllable, double-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words, both of which include the whole tone pattern. And the tone accuracy of the single-syllable words is also included. The fourth chapter is to make a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The fourth chapter mainly explores the three aspects of pitch, length and sound. A Study of the Pattern of the Stress-stress of the Tibetan Language and the Tone Pattern of the Interlanguage in the Tibetan This paper makes a comparison and puts forward the suggestion of tone teaching. The tone characteristics of the Chinese learners in Ando Tibetan are mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) tone study The order of order is to go to the sound, the yin flat, the upper sound, the yang The order is not affected by the number of syllables. And the acquisition process of the four classes is not parallel. (2) The development of the adjustment type is before the development of the value adjustment. (3) from the single syllable word to the multi-syllable word The continuous performance of the syllable words and the tone acquisition is different. (4) The characteristic type of the deviation of the tone There is a difference in the level of the speaker's language and the number of syllables. The pitch of each tone of the speaker is generally consistent. (5) pitch A certain correspondence between the length of the sound and the sound. The performance of the misadjustment of the tone is strong. (6) The sound intensity gradually increases with the increase of the number of syllables. The pattern of phonology is not affected by the number of syllables. Although the pitch of the Tibetan Ando dialect is not different, the position of the pitch point is relatively fixed in the syllable, basically the same in the language stream, and we can call it as" trunk> "hb. itual pitch" .鏈,