[Abstract]:This paper is based on a large-scale corpus of "enough A" and "not enough A" and related formats as the object of research, which consists of the introduction, the main body and the conclusion of the three parts. In the introduction, the significance, the present situation, the research objectives and the theories, methods and corpus of this thesis are discussed. The main part includes chapter two to chapter four. The second chapter analyzes the structure of "enough A" and "not enough A" respectively. The content covers the internal and external syntactic functions of "enough A", including the classification and characteristics of A in the "enough A" structure, the nature and characteristics of "sufficient", the syntactic relationship of "sufficient A", and the syntactic components of "sufficient A". The antecedents and heel components of "enough A" and the structural analysis of "enough A". The analysis and description of "not enough A" includes the classification of "not enough A", the internal relationship of "not enough A", the syntactic component of "not enough A", the preadditive element of "not enough A", and the posterior part of "not enough A". It also makes a syntactic contrast between "enough A" and "not enough A". The third chapter analyzes the structure of "enough A" and "not enough A", focusing on semantic classification, semantic orientation, semantic features and so on. This paper first discusses the semantic features of A in "enough A", the semantic classification and semantic features of "sufficient", and the analysis of the semantic structure of "sufficient A". Secondly, the semantic features of A and the semantic analysis of "insufficient A" structure are discussed. Then the semantic comparison between "enough A" and "insufficient A" is made. The fourth chapter attempts to explain the looming problem of A in the structures of "enough A" and "insufficient A". The causes of occult A are discussed from syntax, semantics, pragmatics, ellipsis and implicature. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the research contents of this paper.
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