发布时间:2019-06-07 07:13
【摘要】:语言是文化的重要组成部分,语言深刻的反映文化,反过来文化也塑造和影响着语言的形成发展和变迁。称谓语是语言形式的一种,也反映着社会文化的方方面面。称谓语是指人际间进行交往时相互称呼对方的用语。在跨文化交际中,社会称谓语的选择和运用都受到交际者各自所在文化的深刻影响,同时也受到其它因素如社会地位,职业,年龄,性别,教育文化程度,宗教信仰,情绪,动机等。因此,如何正确合理的选择运用社会称谓语,是使交际顺利进行的重要环节。一般来说,按照使用范围来划分,称谓语可以分为亲属称谓语和社会称谓语。 本文诣在运用跨文化视角对比研究汉英文化下社会称谓语的运用,呈现出中国文化烙印下的社会称谓语和英语国家中社会称谓语的不同,从而进一步分别从社会语言学理论根源和文化根源角度探讨汉英社会称谓语差异的原因。随着经济和社会的不断发展和进步,汉英社会称谓语也紧随时代的发展步伐,一些社会称谓语隐没在时代的潮流中,逐渐消亡退出社会舞台,一些社会称谓语应运而生,方兴未艾。此我们更应以发展的眼光研究汉英社会称谓语的变迁,以便更好的提高和增强跨文化交际的意识,敏感度和跨文化交际的能力,促进跨文化交际的有效性。 文章共分为六章,引言部分主要介绍了汉英社会称谓语的研究意义,研究背景,研究目的和文章结构;第一章主要介绍了语言,文化及跨文化交际之间的关系;第二章主要介绍了称谓语及社会称谓语的定义和在汉英社会中社会称谓语的分类及各自特点;第三章对比分析了汉英社会称谓语在分类,社会功能和各类上使用差异性;第四章着重利用社会语言学中的面子及礼貌原则理论分析了导致汉英社会称谓语使用差异的存在;第五章从历史,地理和价值观的文化角度,分析了导致汉英社会称谓语使用差异的原因;第六章分析了汉英社会称谓语发展的现状,存在的社会称谓语缺环问题及文化定势问题,提出了有效的建议。
[Abstract]:Language is an important part of culture. Language deeply reflects culture, which in turn shapes and affects the formation, development and change of language. Appellation is a kind of language form, which also reflects all aspects of society and culture. Appellation refers to the term in which each other is called each other when communicating with each other. In cross-cultural communication, the choice and use of social appellations are deeply influenced by the respective cultures of communicators, as well as by other factors such as social status, occupation, age, sex, educational and cultural level, religious beliefs and emotions. Motivation, etc. Therefore, how to choose and use social appellations correctly and reasonably is an important link to make communication proceed smoothly. Generally speaking, appellations can be divided into kinship appellations and social appellations according to the scope of use. This paper makes a contrastive study of the use of social appellations in Chinese and English cultures from a cross-cultural perspective, showing the differences between social appellations under the brand of Chinese culture and those in English-speaking countries. In order to further explore the reasons for the differences between Chinese and English social appellations from the perspective of sociolinguistic theoretical and cultural roots. With the continuous development and progress of economy and society, Chinese and English social appellations also follow the pace of the development of the times. Some social appellations are hidden in the trend of the times and gradually die out of the social stage, and some social appellations emerge as the times require. be just unfolding銆,
[Abstract]:Language is an important part of culture. Language deeply reflects culture, which in turn shapes and affects the formation, development and change of language. Appellation is a kind of language form, which also reflects all aspects of society and culture. Appellation refers to the term in which each other is called each other when communicating with each other. In cross-cultural communication, the choice and use of social appellations are deeply influenced by the respective cultures of communicators, as well as by other factors such as social status, occupation, age, sex, educational and cultural level, religious beliefs and emotions. Motivation, etc. Therefore, how to choose and use social appellations correctly and reasonably is an important link to make communication proceed smoothly. Generally speaking, appellations can be divided into kinship appellations and social appellations according to the scope of use. This paper makes a contrastive study of the use of social appellations in Chinese and English cultures from a cross-cultural perspective, showing the differences between social appellations under the brand of Chinese culture and those in English-speaking countries. In order to further explore the reasons for the differences between Chinese and English social appellations from the perspective of sociolinguistic theoretical and cultural roots. With the continuous development and progress of economy and society, Chinese and English social appellations also follow the pace of the development of the times. Some social appellations are hidden in the trend of the times and gradually die out of the social stage, and some social appellations emerge as the times require. be just unfolding銆,