[Abstract]:In view of the data, the author has noticed that some universities in the United States have opened the course of ancient Chinese and have the corresponding ancient Chinese teaching materials, and then began to investigate the teaching materials of the Chinese ancient Chinese, and found that only Chinese students in the country had relevant professional courses and teaching materials. There are no ancient Chinese teaching and teaching materials for non-Chinese professional students. There are a lot of doubts as to whether the non-Chinese professional students are suitable for the study of ancient Chinese? Can the Chinese text of ancient Chinese be added to Chinese teaching materials of non-Chinese professional students? What kind of text can be suitable for them to study? The research of the paper was carried out with these doubts. In this paper, in order to use the ancient Chinese text as an important argument in the non-Chinese professional international students' teaching materials, the paper, on the basis of which, finds out the relevant literature of the Chinese teaching and teaching materials of the foreign students, and analyses the present situation of the ancient Chinese teaching materials, and the paper has five parts. to guide The paper mainly introduces the motive and the meaning of the selection of the selection of the ancient Chinese in the high-level Chinese teaching material of the international students, and summarizes the research of the paper concisely. To study the scope of the study. In this paper, the author discusses the existing achievements of the Chinese teaching materials and the selection of the Chinese ancient Chinese, and studies the contents of the content of the ancient Chinese teaching materials, the study of the text selection in the teaching of ancient Chinese, and the selection of the other relevant documents. On the basis of the research of the paper, we find out the shortcomings of the existing achievements and lead out the research of this paper. Thinking and method. The main part of the paper, the sub-section The first part is the text of the selection of the ancient Chinese and the analysis of the present situation of the students' study. The present situation of the Chinese ancient Chinese is analyzed, and the ancient Chinese in the actual teaching are summarized. The second part is the design and analysis of the international students' questionnaire, and on the basis of summing up the achievements of the predecessors and understanding the current situation of the selection of the ancient Chinese and the current situation of the international students, the author designs for non-Chinese professional students A set of questionnaire is made. The feedback results of the questionnaire are summarized and analyzed, and the forms and figures are used to show the possibility of studying the ancient Chinese by the students and the ancient Chinese. The directionality of the language, followed by a pair. On the basis of the analysis of the teaching materials and the questionnaire of the international students, the paper makes a systematic and further analysis on the problem of the selection of the ancient Chinese, sums up the problems in the current selection and analyzes the causes of the problems, and explores the future election. The way and direction of the development of the text. In the end, the paper discusses and summarizes the contents of this paper, points out the shortcomings of the paper, and puts forward the next. This paper focuses on the text of the text of the ancient Chinese and the investigation and research, and the design and analysis of the questionnaire are the outstanding features of this paper, from the point of view of the reality, in combination with the reality demand of the foreign students, this paper is a better way to carry out the research.
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