[Abstract]:Rich classifiers are a major feature of Chinese and Indo-European languages. Classifiers are one of the oldest words in China, which appeared in the pre-Qin period, but the research on classifiers started relatively late. Bai Juyi was a poet in the middle Tang Dynasty. His poetry language was simple and easy to understand. His collection of poems was very colloquial. This paper chooses the classifiers in Bai Juyi's poetry as the research object, hoping to provide more linguistic research works for the study of Bai Juyi's poems, as well as some research works in poetry for the study of classifiers, and to do some work for us to establish a scientific history of the development of Chinese classifiers. This paper can be divided into five chapters in addition to the conclusion. The first chapter introduces the history of the development of classifiers, the research of classifiers and the classification of classifiers. The second chapter analyzes and describes the noun classifiers in Bai Juyi's poems, and divides them into individual classifiers, collective classifiers, metric measures and temporary classifiers. The third chapter analyzes and describes the momentum words in Bai Juyi's poems, and divides the momentum words in Bai Juyi's poems into special momentum words and borrowed momentum words. The fourth chapter analyzes the use of classifiers in Bai Juyi's poetry, analyzes the structural types of nominal quantity representation and momentum representation in Bai Juyi's poetry, as well as the other lexical characteristics of classifiers in Bai Juyi's poetry, as well as the grammatical function characteristics of Bai Juyi's poetry. The fifth chapter describes the rhetorical characteristics of quantifiers in Bai Juyi's poems. This paper introduces the description of classifiers, classifiers and figures of speech, as well as the rhetorical features of classifiers.
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