[Abstract]:The word of the word in Chinese is a more important component, and the related words, including the words in the complex sentence study, are also one of the main contents. The complex sentence is a very important and indispensable grammatical means in any process of language expression such as text and spoken language. Therefore, how to select an associated word as a connection component is also very important in constructing the complex sentence. Since the beginning of the study of Chinese, I have found that many of the Turkish students, including myself, have encountered many obstacles in terms of the associated words and words in Chinese. In fact, not just the Turkish students, many other countries also have the same difficulties. At present, the research on this problem is not much, so we study the problem further on the basis of the earlier research. The Chinese connection is generally based on the standard of meaning, the standard of form or the combination of the form and the meaning. In this paper, based on the view of Zhang Bin and others, the Chinese connecting words are divided into two categories according to the meaning standard: the joint relation and the positive relation. the term "Turkish" is generally classified by structure, use or meaning, connection characteristics, position in a sentence, The function of the use of the Chinese word in the complex sentence is varied, and the Chinese word can express the joint relation and the bias in the complex sentence according to the meaning relation of the word and the associated adverb. the use of a word in Turkish is generally in the form of a word-by-word connection or a position in a sentence A comparative analysis of Chinese and Turkish conjunctions, let us find that, in terms of both the semantic and the order, there are similarities and differences between the two languages. By contrast and analysis of the Chinese and English language, it is found that the similarities and differences of the two languages in the two words can further understand the two languages, so that the teachers can better help the learners to grasp any of them. In this paper, the concept and classification of the two words in the two languages of Chinese and Turkish are briefly introduced in this paper. and then, from the two aspects of the order and the semantics, Comparative analysis. Find out the difference between the two. In the end, a summary is drawn from the results of the analysis and study. It is hoped that the study will provide some references for Chinese or Turkish learners, as well as to the teaching of the two languages
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