本文关键词:敦煌市的农业结构、城镇化及其对生态环境的影响 出处:《兰州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, ecological environment of the oasis in Northwest Chinese is not optimistic. Chinese agricultural modernization, market-oriented, especially advocated by the "three rural issues" of rural income policy not only promoted the Chinese city in arid area of Northwest China, and the impact on the ecological environment is also growing. Taking Dunhuang City as an example mainly uses the depth interview and participant observation method, analyzes the evolution and development of urban agricultural structure of Dunhuang oasis, and their impact on the ecological environment. The study shows: first, market and policy under the guidance of modern agriculture to Dunhuang farmers' income increased steadily, the rapid increase in the city level city. To improve the level of agricultural development and to further meet the market oriented. Second, although the local government has taken control of water and limit more stringent measures, But because of the "water-saving agriculture" has not been widely applied, the scale of agricultural expansion in agricultural water use continued to rise, the oasis ecological crisis becomes more and more serious, such as the underground water level continued to decline, not only threatens the "Crescent Spring" of the tourism landscape, but if there is no external water supply, groundwater level of Dunhuang oasis will be increasingly "the dangerous state". Thus, either suspended agricultural development mode to "local comprehensive agricultural irrigation mode, the total area of actual use or restrict land, no other way. Third, using the composite index method to analyze the comprehensive level of urbanization of Dunhuang City, and on the basis of estimates of the city and the ecological environment coordination the coupling degree, in 1995~2010 years, the urbanization level in Dunhuang gradually increased, ecological environment is first decreased and then increased and then decreased twists and turns, and its response to Urbanization Obviously also has a certain lag. The current Dunhuang is relatively harmonious development of urbanization and ecological environment, but the coordination degree of coupling in a state of growth, if the deterioration of the ecological environment and ecological environment of laissez faire, the fear of crisis will enter the latent period, the whole system may also enter the ultimate stage of development.
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