本文关键词: 水系景观 生态化 原阳县 西关排河 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Our country city to speed up the process, according to the city river treatment project has also made some progress, the city sewage river flood control function into full play. With the rapid economic growth and continuous improvement of people's living standard, now built in urban river water landscape project has become a comprehensive management of river engineering, river city landscape construction can not only bring green ecological effect to the local city, but also promote the prosperity of local economy to a certain extent. Through access to comprehensive management of related literature, through domestic engineering measures on City River comprehensive management is from the beginning of 1980s, but after the investigation of related River comprehensive management case found that the city's urban rivers by building garbage embezzlement phenomenon is serious, the range of water is greatly reduced, weakening the natural storage capacity of the river, river health State system balance is disturbed. From the point of view, comprehensive management Never mind coordinate river engineering measures for flood control function and ecological landscape function, the one-sided focus on the use of concrete hardening of riverbed, embankment, with the city sewage discharge function, long-term necessity and not focus on the ecological function of river landscape construction of the modern city. To improve the quality of river water is not based on the comprehensive management of the river, making the goal of sustainable development of ecological culture and ecological culture water city regional characteristics. In this study, Yuanyang Xi Guan Pai River as an example, on the river system landscape ecology related concepts is analyzed, some domestic and international rivers management theory and technology examples of governance were listed, and the economic, ecological planning, multi angle were analyzed in the river system landscape ecology. At the same time from today City ecology, domestic waterfront, city development, see the theory of river landscape construction, the gap between the present our country city river landscape planning and development. Summarizes the principles and methods of ecological water landscape planning should follow. The paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction in our country as well as the status of city residents environmental consciousness gradually leads to the theme of this paper, and introduces the research background, purpose, according to the practical significance of West River landscape ecological planning row brings. Development of the ecological landscape planning of river system is the second chapter of the literature and Internet channels to obtain information for finishing the comprehensive management of the domestic and foreign city river were analyzed. The integration of foreign and some domestic river system landscape ecological planning methods are analyzed, for the special river Governance, provide experience of comprehensive treatment. The research status and the third chapter is the transformation of river based on multiple rows of West West Pai River situation investigation, referring to the West row of river basin water resources of the natural conditions, the data were collected and analyzed. The treatment and the absence of Xiguan Pai River on both sides of the view of the masses to do the special investigation, that river landscape ecological restoration and the necessity and the research content. The fourth chapter XI Guan Pai River Ecological Landscape Planning and briefly elaborated analysis of the river system landscape planning reference concept, put forward the riversystem landscape ecological planning objectives. Water landscape ecological planning principles design elements, from different aspects, in-depth analysis of different perspectives, taking into account the overall planning of river landscape layout and detail design. The fifth chapter XI Guan river ecological landscape water discharge The planning and layout analysis of actual planning idea is part of the thesis, in Yuanyang County Xi Guan Pai River as an example, from the river flat forms, wetland, vertical section, cross section including banks and water facilities and landscape elements were analyzed. Finally put forward the planning of river discharge Xiguan river landscape layout ideas. The sixth chapter is the conclusion and the suggestion part of Xiguan the Yuanyang County Ecological Water Landscape Planning of Pai River experience. In order to city river ecological waterscape special governance, provide reference for comprehensive treatment.
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