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发布时间:2018-03-13 04:06

  本文选题:天然次生灌丛 切入点:小尺度 出处:《浙江农林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本研究以临安典型天然次生灌丛为例,通过样地调查资料,运用地统计学和GIS空间分析方法,对研究区小尺度次生灌丛植被的空间变异特征进行了研究,并基于冗余分析排序和偏冗余分析方法定量评价了植被特征与地形因子和干扰因子的关系,旨在为深入分析植被分布与影响因子的关系。该研究对认识天然次生灌丛景观的生态学过程具有重要意义,可为次生灌丛的生态恢复与经营管理提供依据和参考。本研究主要结果如下:(1)研究区共有高等植物83种,分属于38科67属,灌木层出现物种49种,重要值在10以上的物种共有4个,占物种数的8.2%,重要值在1~5的物种有11个,占22.4%;草本层出现物种共34种,重要值大于10的有3个,重要值在5~10的物种有2个,重要值在1~5的物种有10个。群落区系组成以亚热带科属为主,表现出常绿阔叶林已退化过渡到位于演替早期阶段的落叶次生灌丛群落。(2)次生灌丛生物量为0.2~32.86t·hm-2,空间变异较大。灌丛生物量经过对数转化服从正态分布,高斯模型为半方差函数最优模型,在81.05 m的空间相关范围内具有中等的空间相关性。灌丛生物量主要呈条带状分布,格局较为明显。(3)灌木多样性指数(H1)、草本多样性指数(H2)以及植被盖度(C)均服从正态分布,变异系数(CV)为25.83%~43.14%;H1和C符合指数模型,H2符合球状模型;植被特征指数的空间相关范围为6.6~193.6 m,其中H1、H2呈中等强度的空间自相关,而C的空间相关性较强;H1、H2呈条带状分布,C由于分形维数较大,空间格局较为复杂,呈零星斑块状空间分布。(4)环境因子中,坡向对H1的影响最大,坡向能单独解释其空间变异的3.8%;H2、C和W受林火烈度影响最大,林火烈度能分别单独解释H2、C和W空间变异的16.8%、17.2%和29.7%。植被空间变异均受环境因子的影响,不同环境因子对植被空间变异的影响程度存在差异。说明研究区内结构性因子,如坡度、坡向、凹凸度及林火烈度对植被的空间异质性产生了重要影响作用。
[Abstract]:Taking the typical natural secondary thickets in Linan as an example, the spatial variation characteristics of small scale secondary shrub vegetation in the study area were studied by using geostatistics and GIS spatial analysis method. Based on the methods of redundancy analysis and partial redundancy analysis, the relationship between vegetation characteristics and terrain factors and disturbance factors is evaluated quantitatively. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between vegetation distribution and influencing factors. This study is of great significance in understanding the ecological process of natural secondary shrub landscape. The main results of this study are as follows: there are 83 species of higher plants, belonging to 38 families, 67 genera, 49 species in shrub layer in the study area, which can provide basis and reference for ecological restoration and management of secondary thickets, and the main results of this study are as follows: (1) there are 83 species of higher plants belonging to 67 genera of 38 families. There are 4 species with an important value above 10, accounting for 8.2% of the species, 11 species with an important value of 1 or 5, accounting for 22.4.The species in the herbaceous layer have 34 species, 3 species with an important value greater than 10, and 2 species with an important value of 5 ~ 10. There are 10 species with an important value of 1 ~ 5. The floristic composition of the community is dominated by subtropical families and genera. The results showed that evergreen broad-leaved forest had been degraded to the deciduous secondary shrub community at the early stage of succession. The biomass of secondary shrub was 0.22 ~ 32.86 t 路hm ~ (-2), and the spatial variation was large. The biomass of shrub was normally distributed by logarithmic transformation. Gao Si model is the optimal model of semi-variance function, and has moderate spatial correlation in the spatial correlation range of 81.05 m. The biomass of shrub is mainly distributed in strip shape. The distribution of shrub diversity index (HH1), herbaceous diversity index (H2) and vegetation coverage (C) were normal distribution. The coefficient of variation (CVV) was 25.83% and 43.14% H1 and H2 respectively. The spatial correlation range of vegetation characteristic index is 6.6 ~ (19. 6) m, in which H _ (1) H _ (2) is a medium intensity spatial autocorrelation, while C is highly correlated with H _ (1) H _ (2) H _ (1) H _ (1) H _ (1) H _ (2) is a strip distribution, and the spatial pattern is more complex because of its large fractal dimension. Among the environmental factors, the slope direction had the greatest effect on H _ 1, and the slope direction could explain the spatial variation of H _ (2) C and W by forest fire intensity. Forest fire intensity can explain 16.80.2% and 29.7of spatial variation of H _ 2C and W, respectively. Spatial variation of vegetation is affected by environmental factors, and the degree of influence of different environmental factors on spatial variation of vegetation is different. It shows that structural factors, such as slope, have different effects on spatial variation of vegetation. Slope direction, concavity and convexity and forest fire intensity play an important role in the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation.


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