本文选题:绿色觉醒 切入点:生态农业 出处:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of urbanization, the urban expansion occupies a large number of cultivated land, the agricultural landscape is constantly destroyed, resulting in the urban construction and farmland mutually opposite pattern, but with the improvement of living standards, people not only pay attention to material life. More turn to the pursuit of spiritual life. Tired of the bustle of the city, yearning for nature, in such a big environment, eco-agricultural garden has become a new choice for urban residents' leisure mode and tourist destination. It also provides an opportunity for the transformation of the agricultural industry in the suburbs [1] .Taking the urban eco-agricultural park on the north bank of the Wulong River Bay as an example, this paper expounds the display of the regional agricultural heritage landscape in the agricultural landscape ecological planning, starting with the basic principles of landscape ecology. To create a landscape with memory, culture and art, and landscape with regional characteristics. In the planning and design of the park, first of all, by focusing on the main ecological problems of the present situation, the paper puts forward the problems of soil and hydrology. The solution of ecological problems, and from the perspective of landscape, industry and tourism, the landscape planning, industrial planning and recreation planning of eco-agricultural sightseeing park are deeply studied. This paper probes into the planning of the "Trinity" eco-agricultural sightseeing park, integrates the eco-tourism agricultural park planning into the practice, and designs the eco-sightseeing agricultural park based on the modern city. It also hopes to promote the transformation and development of suburban agricultural sites through planning and design, and to provide reference for solving the antagonistic situation between farmland and city [2].
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