本文选题:园林植物 切入点:冬季景观 出处:《浙江农林大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:After many years of construction in the West Lake scenic area of Hangzhou, the plant community is basically stable and has formed unique local characteristics. Its unique plant configuration reflects the beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou, such as the view of fish in Huagang, the bay of princelings.Qu Yuan wind charge has already become the essence and representative of the park green space, worthy of our learning and reference.This paper takes the landscape of garden plants in the West Lake of Hangzhou as the research object, and analyzes the composition of the plant community, the ornamental characteristics of the plants in winter and the comprehensive evaluation of the landscape of the plant community in the West Lake of Hangzhou, in combination with a large number of typical cases.The main conclusions are as follows: 1.The investigation and analysis of plant germplasm resources in West Lake Park of Hangzhou showed that there were 423 species of garden plants belonging to 240 genera and 104 families, including 5 families, 5 genera and 5 species of pteridophytes, and 29 species of gymnosperms belonging to 18 genera and 7 families.There are 389 species of angiocotyledon belonging to 217 genera and 92 families.The species diversity of upper layer trees was high, and that of shrub layer and herbaceous layer was low.Based on the analysis of the ornamental characteristics of winter plants, the plants with better ornamental effect can be divided into flower, leaf, fruit, dry, posture and bud species.According to the classification of ornamental plants in winter in West Lake, Hangzhou, there are more than 80 kinds of ornamental plants (such as flowers, fruits, leaves and posture) with obvious ornamental characteristics in winter, accounting for 19.2% of the total plants in the scenic area.Through the selection of 9 parks around the West Lake in Hangzhou, 40 plant communities with obvious winter landscape were selected for investigation, and the plant ornamental characteristics of the community were used to reflect the performance of the community in winter.The richness of ornamental characteristics of plant communities in winter is similar in the parks of West Lake, Hangzhou. However, because of the different proportion of ornamental characters in the communities in winter, the landscape in winter is characterized by the observation of branches and trunk, the proportion of evergreen trees is the most, and the percentage of fruit watching is the same.The proportion of conspicuous ornamental features such as flower viewing was less, and some spatial communities such as Changqiao Park, Lake Square, Tibetan Mountain Pavilion, etc., the effect of landscape was poor in winter.In winter, there are some scenic spots, such as Meihua slope in northeast of Gushan and bamboo forest in Ming Shiyuan, which are better applied in winter.The evaluation model of plant landscape in Hangzhou West Lake in winter was established by using SBE landscape evaluation method.The established model shows that,The order of influence of landscape factors of garden plants in winter is as follows: the coordination between the number of ornamental colors and other landscape elements is green than the variation of canopy vegetation levels richness degree tree layout canopy degree of 40 samples;There were 23 positive SBE values and 17 negative SBE values. The highest value was 1.562, and the lowest value was -0.892.From above, the landscape quality of plant communities in West Lake in Hangzhou was in good condition, and the local development was not balanced.The landscape effect is quite different.
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