本文选题:郊野公园 + 植物多样性 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国城市化进程的逐步推进,城市化在给人们带来物质富裕和享受的同时,也给人们带来了空前的环境压力,作为城市生态屏障的城市近郊区自然景观遭到破坏,城乡矛盾日益突出。郊野公园(Country park)作为一种新型的绿地模式,在保护城乡自然生态环境,维护生态系统完整性,丰富居民休闲生活,推动城乡建设方面有重要的意义。从北京市2007年推动城市绿化隔离地区“郊野公园环”建设计划起,截止2012年底,北京市新开放郊野公园48个,北京市“郊野公园环”基本形成。本研究以上述48个郊野公园为研究对象,首先通过抽样调查对北京市郊野公园植物物种组成、来源、入侵性、优势种、科属等级、群落结构、物种丰富度、物种多样性和物种均匀度特征进行研究,深入揭示郊野公园植物景观数量性特征和多样性特征。其次在实地调查的基础上,利用层次分析法(Analytic hierarchy proeess)从景观、生态、实用3个层次构建“郊野公园植物景观综合评价体系”,对北京市郊野公园植物景观进行综合评价和等级划分。最后,根据实地调查和综合评价结果,总结郊野公园植物景观营造及建设要点,并对北京市郊野公园植物景观建设中存在的不足和问题提出优化,为未来郊野公园植物景观改造和建设提供参考和借鉴。主要研究结果如下:(1)共统计植物种类651种,隶属于107科374属。其中乔木植物127种,隶属30科56属;灌木植物118种,隶属30科62属;草本植物388种,隶属66科253属;藤本植物15种,隶属10科13属;竹类3种,隶属1科2属。(2)北京市郊野公园植物各科、属表现为明显的大、中、小等级,优势科属在植物组成中占有突出地位。优势科前五位为蔷薇科、禾本科、菊科、豆科、杨柳科,占植物总数的38.25%(249种);栽培植物优势属前三位为李属、柳属、杨属,自生植物优势属前三位为蓼属、苋属、堇菜属。(3)北京市郊野公园植物中乡土植物440种,占植物总数的67.59%,外来植物211种,占植物总数的32.41%。各植物生活型中,乡土植物比例表现为乔木(74.80%)草本(67.78%)灌木(61.02%)。外来植物中国内外来植物占29.38%,国外外来植物占70.62%;含入侵种44种,涉及18科35属,占植物总数的6.76%;入侵植物的大科主要有菊科(11种)、苋科(7种)、禾本科(6种)和豆科(4种)。(4)北京市郊野公园植物结构特征在种数上表现为乔灌草比为1:0.93:3.06;乔木层常绿落叶比为1:5.68;灌木层常绿落叶比例为1:8.08;草本层一二年生植物与多年生植物比为1:1.43。1375个样点的植物群落中,乔灌草复合型群落459个,占33.38%;乔草型群落426个,占30.98%;乔木型群落178个,占12.95%;乔灌型群落143个,占10.40%;其余结构类型群落169个,占12.29%;北京市郊野公园植物群落以乔灌草复合型、乔草型、乔木型和乔灌型结构为主。(5)植物多样性方面,Patrick丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数均表现为草本(4.155,0.642,0.830)乔木(2.763,0.468,0.723)灌木(1.268,0.199,0.339)。整体上,北京市郊野公园植物多样性水平不高。(6)基于层次分析法从景观、生态、实用3个层次获取29项郊野公园植物景观综合评价指标,构建“郊野公园植物景观综合评价体系”,并完成48个郊野公园植物景观的综合评价。结果显示,植物景观达到I级的郊野公园4个,占8.33%;达到II级的郊野公园16个,占33.33%;达到Ⅲ级的郊野公园23个,占47.92%;仅为Ⅳ级的郊野公园5个,占10.42%。北京市郊野公园植物景观综合评价平均得分为2.888(5分制),综合评价指数为57.76%,根据植物景观综合评价指数分级标准界定,北京市郊野公园植物景观整体属于Ⅲ级(中等)水平。(7)结合北京市郊野公园植物景观综合评价结果和实地调研成果,从景观层次、生态层次和实用层次总结郊野公园植物景观营造及建设要点;对北京市郊野公园植物景观建设中存在的不足和问题提出6点优化策略;推荐适宜在郊野公园植物景观营造中推广的乔木、灌木各60种,草本植物112种;并对郊野公园植物景观综合评价高分样点进一步优化,提出郊野公园各功能区植物配置模式若干。本研究聚焦当前建设热点,基于多学科的理论研究和方法,对北京市郊野公园植物景观进行深入探索和研究,从实践中总结凝炼再应用于实践,以期为完善我国郊野公园建设理论体系尽绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:With the gradual advancement of China's urbanization process, urbanization has brought material affluence and enjoyment to people, it also brings unprecedented environmental pressure. As urban ecological barrier, the natural landscape of urban suburb is destroyed, and the contradiction between urban and rural areas is becoming more and more prominent. The country park (Country Park) is a new type of green space model, It is of great significance to protect the natural ecological environment in urban and rural areas, maintain the integrity of the ecosystem, enrich the leisure life of the residents and promote the construction of urban and rural areas. From the end of the year of 2007, the construction plan of "country park ring" in the urban greening and isolation area of Beijing, by the end of 2012, 48 newly opened country parks in the city of Beijing, and the "country park ring" base in Beijing City This study takes the above 48 country parks as the research object. First, through the sampling survey, the plant species composition, origin, invasiveness, dominant species, family rank, community structure, species richness, species diversity and species evenness of Beijing country park are studied, and the quantitative characteristics of plant landscape in country parks are deeply revealed. Secondly, on the basis of field investigation, Analytic hierarchy proeess (AHP) is used to construct the comprehensive evaluation system of plant landscape in country park from 3 levels of landscape, ecology and practicality, and the comprehensive evaluation and classification of plant landscape in Beijing country park. Finally, according to field investigation and synthesis The main points of plant landscape construction and construction in country park are summarized, and the shortcomings and problems of plant landscape construction in Beijing country park are optimized to provide reference and reference for the plant landscape transformation and construction in the future country park. The main results are as follows: (1) 651 species of plant species, belonging to 374 genera of 107 families, are counted. There are 127 species of trees belonging to 30 families and 56 genera, 118 species of shrub plants belonging to 30 families and 62 genera, 388 species of herbs belonging to 66 families and 253 genera, 15 species of vines belonging to 10 families, and 56 species of bamboos, belonging to the genera of Beijing country parks, characterized by large, medium, small, and dominant genus in the plant composition. The top five dominant families are Rosaceae, Gramineae, Compositae, legumes, and willow, which account for 38.25% (249 species) of the total number of plants; the top three of the cultivated plants are plum, willow, poplar, and autogenic plants of the first three genus Polygonum, amaranth, and viola. (3) 440 species of native plants in Beijing country park plants, accounting for 67.59 of the total plant total. %, 211 species of exotic plants, which account for the 32.41%. plant life forms of the total plant total, the proportion of native plants (74.80%) of herbs (67.78%) shrubs (61.02%). Foreign plants in and outside China accounted for 29.38%, foreign plants accounted for 70.62%, including 44 species of invasive species, involving 18 families and 35 genera, accounting for 6.76% of the total plants, major families of invasive plants. There are 11 species of Compositae (11 species), amaranaceae (7 species), Gramineae (6 species) and leguminous (4 species). (4) the plant structure characteristics of Beijing country park are shown as the ratio of grass to grass and grass, the ratio of evergreen deciduous leaves in arbor layer is 1:5.68, the proportion of evergreen deciduous leaves in shrub layer is 1:8.08, and the ratio of a biennial plant to perennial plants in the grass layer is 1:1.43.137 Among the plant communities of 5 samples, 459, 33.38%, 426, 30.98%, 178, 12.95%, 143, 10.40%, and 169, 169, and 12.29%, and the plant community in Beijing country park, tree and grass, arbor and Joe 5. (5) plant diversity, Patrick richness index, Simpson diversity index, Pielou evenness index are herbaceous (4.155,0.642,0.830) tree (2.763,0.468,0.723) shrub (1.268,0.199,0.339). On the whole, Beijing city country park plant diversity level is not high. (6) based on the analytic hierarchy process from landscape, ecology, The comprehensive evaluation index of plant landscape in 29 country parks was obtained at 3 practical levels, and the comprehensive evaluation system of plant landscape in country parks was constructed and comprehensive evaluation of plant landscape in 48 country parks was completed. The results showed that the plant landscape reached I level country parks in 4, accounting for 8.33%, and 16 of the country parks in class II, and 33.33%. 23 country parks, accounting for 47.92%, and only 5 country parks of grade IV, accounting for the average score of the comprehensive evaluation of plant landscape in 10.42%. Beijing country park, the average score is 2.888 (5 points), and the comprehensive evaluation index is 57.76%. According to the classification standard of plant landscape comprehensive evaluation index, the plant landscape in Beijing country park belongs to grade III (medium) water as a whole. (7) combined with the results of plant landscape comprehensive evaluation and field research in Beijing country park, this paper summarizes the main points of plant landscape construction and construction from landscape level, ecological level and practical level, and puts forward 6 optimization strategies for the deficiencies and problems of plant landscape construction in Beijing country park, and recommends suitable country in the countryside. 60 species of trees, shrubs and 112 herbaceous plants are popularized in the plant landscape construction of the park, and the comprehensive evaluation of plant landscape in country parks is further optimized, and the plant configuration patterns of country parks are put forward. The research focuses on the current hot spot of construction, based on the theoretical research and methods of multidisciplinary, to the country public in Beijing The garden plant landscape is deeply explored and studied, and it is summarized from practice and then applied to practice in order to improve the theory system of country park construction in our country.
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