本文选题:河道防护类型 + 护坡模式优化 ; 参考:《东北农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The river protection project is an important transition zone for the regional water ecosystem and land ecosystem to carry out material, energy and information exchange. It is the essential foundation for the survival and development of human beings. It is related to the sustainable development of the economy and society. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the biodiversity, the soil erosion, the river bank stability, the regulation of the microclimate and the beautification ring. It is of great practical significance to carry out tourism activities. With the promotion of modern construction, the urban multi-function and high grade construction target and the overall requirement of sustainable development, new and higher requirements are put forward for the construction of urban levees. That is, the urban levee not only has the function of flood control, but also has the function of landscape environment. It is necessary to have the function of the landscape environment. Transportation, commerce, and other functions, taking the road of sustainable development, Heilongjiang belongs to the big economic province of the northeast region. The province flows through a lot of water systems, including the boundary rivers of our country: the wusuri River, the song a river and the Songhua River water system in the province; the optimization of the river protection project is of great significance for our province, for the river basin and the river basin. The optimization of watercourse protection project can effectively prevent river cutting bank to change shore, cause serious soil erosion and Prevent Flood flood. For the inland river river system of Songhua River, the optimization of river channel engineering is of great social significance for flood control and disaster prevention, economic development and beautifying the city in the city. This paper is aimed at the river protection in Heilongjiang province. Based on the analysis of the importance of the construction of river protection engineering and the status and research trends of the embankment engineering at home and abroad, this paper optimizes the types of river protection in Heilongjiang Province, and puts forward 9 Comparison schemes for the main optimization of the way of river slope protection in the river basin, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and RAGA-P With the optimization of PC model, the optimal slope protection method is the dry masonry revetment, and the embankment model of the Harbin Duan dyke in the Songhua River water system is optimized. The 5 medium comparison scheme is put forward, and the 5 schemes are optimized by the integrated integrated weighting method, and the optimal scheme is obtained for the assembly of the front pier pile column beam. In summary, on the basis of summing up the experience of the designed River Protection Engineering in China, this study uses scientific theory and methods, combining with the practice, from the perspective of economy, application and innovation, and evaluates the scheme by means of analytic hierarchy process and integrated integrated empowerment method, and selects the best scheme. At the same time, the construction of strong embankment, improving the capacity of flood resistance, actively exploring the afforestation City, beautifying the city, and benefiting the people's multi-directional dike function, become a new train of thought to combine the city construction and improve the function of the river protection.
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