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发布时间:2018-06-13 05:38

  本文选题:扩散河道 + 线性步道 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rapid urbanization expansion, such as the residents in the downtown area, gradually dissatisfied with the large environment of malaria, and urgently needed a clean soil to breathe and raise lung, which is also the cause of the hottest tourism in the rural suburbs in recent years. The emergence of the wetland park is the inevitable product of this era, which uses a more sensible and receptive way to transform urban rivers, fully and effectively protect the remnants of history, capture the local cultural relics, promote and make a brand new creation. The vision and the enjoyment of the body and mind are in line with the people's greatest demand for environmental greening in the city. In addition, it can also effectively protect and repair the wetland biological community, ensure the biodiversity of the river ecological wetland, rebuild the habitat and a peaceful and harmonious ecological soul. The concept of harmonious coexistence of people and nature and the restoration of the local people The literary style, the historical monuments, the unique creatures of the science popularization, the restoration of farmland landscape, the experience of agricultural land ecology, the dissemination of the science popularization and ecological culture of the wetland culture, and the determination of the wild ecological area in the plane layout, to avoid the human activities to affect the living requirements of the animals and plants, and to ensure that the river flow has no deviation and the ecological aesthetics principle is taken into consideration by the diffusion form. Naturally, the diffusion river is formed; the diffusion rivers interact together to form natural islands and distribute different vertical elevation on the basis of the function of natural islands and the formation of aesthetic aesthetics; the trailing linear footpaths cross the whole wetland park across the nine large areas to form the wet landscape of human interaction with nature; and on the basis of the original terrain, a large area is preserved. The farmland ecosystem connects the river bank line, the wooden stack hydrophilic platform connects the river bank and the footpath, the special kind of biogas, shrubs, forest and other landscape planting and restoration; the central region sets up the tourist center and adds the popular science education exhibition hall, ends the design limit sports place, and integrates the sports - Culture - ecology into one. The purpose of the river is to avoid hard and complex artificial traces, ensure water quality and wildlife habitat, maximize the use of wetland functions, create complex ground floor and sloping land, have varied rocks and silt ground, and become habitats of invertebrates, separate islands and highlands, grow dense woodland, imitate the existing soil landscape, and stabilize the river Shoreline, reduce river erosion; the mud swamps are fixed to increase the use of bird land, improve the value of the habitat and the attraction of the wildlife.


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