本文选题:旅游景观 + 景观感知度 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:On the basis of the concept and theoretical model of tourism landscape perception, this paper optimizes the core conceptual model of tourism landscape perception calculation and establishes a feasible landscape data organization model, aiming at the expression of tourism landscape perception calculation software. The content structure of landscape feature point table, basic information table of single landscape and group landscape, feature point, landscape angle of view and semantic weight table of group landscape are designed, and the basic table relations are defined according to the calculation objectives. The data organization needed for tourism landscape perception calculation is completed. Based on the core concept model of tourism landscape perception calculation, the calculation model is established, which realizes the calculation of perception degree of single point landscape, multi-point landscape and group landscape, and can realize dynamic landscape perception calculation and analysis according to the user's choice and definition. Based on the existing concept of landscape perception and quantitative calculation model, the model builder of ArcGIS is used to establish the model of tourism landscape perception. Firstly, the data organization structure of the tourism landscape perception calculation model is designed, and the data organization of the calculation model is preliminarily summarized, and then the process of building the calculation model by using the model builder is introduced in detail. The landscape is divided into single landscape and group landscape, single landscape and multi-point landscape. Therefore, the calculation model of tourism landscape perception is divided into single point landscape perception calculation model, multi-point landscape perception calculation model and group landscape perception calculation model. Taking the hump beam of the national natural scenic spot as a case study, an empirical study of landscape perception based on the calculation model is carried out. The results include Triassic spring, independent plant landscape, steep mountain group, Panshan highway, and so on. The spatial distribution data of perception of natural and human landscape and its combination landscape, such as terrace and rural buildings in northern China. The empirical study of Hump Beam Scenic spot preliminarily proves that the calculation model of tourism landscape perception is running smoothly and can calculate the perception of single point, multi-point and group landscape semi-automatically according to the needs of users, and the output is accurate. Quantitative landscape perception calculation results. The calculation model of tourism landscape perception has the characteristics of flexible construction of landscape semantics and high degree of automation, which can improve the efficiency of quantitative calculation of tourism landscape perception. The results can be directly used in tourist site planning and landscape design. The calculation model of tourism landscape perception is especially suitable for the whole landscape perception calculation with large landscape scale, complex terrain structure and obvious landscape combination significance, which can realize rapid landscape perception mapping on large spatial scale. The calculation model of tourism landscape perception can provide detailed quantitative data of tourist perception for the development of "global tourism", and assist to support the comprehensive discovery, analysis and evaluation of regional tourism resources under the development mode of "global tourism". Enhance the level of refinement of landscape design planning.
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