本文选题:杜威 + 美学 ; 参考:《长安大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Through the study of Dewey's aesthetic works, this paper tries to probe into Dewey's aesthetic thought. Dewey sees every experience as the result of the interaction of a living creature with an aspect of the environment around which he lives and establishes his own concept of monistic experience. The concept of experience is the cornerstone of Dewey's aesthetics. On this basis, Dewey expanded the concept of aesthetic experience and established the position of aesthetic experience in aesthetics. This position also extends to Dewey's view of art. He criticizes the way that traditional aesthetics distinguishes beauty, tries to restore the continuity between artistic experience and daily experience, and endows art with a new identity and value. At the same time, Dewey, based on the principle of empirical primacy, opposed the strict distinction between art and civilization, believing that such a division was actually the product of human evolution, so we all have a common foundation in the field of civilization-experience. Art is the most refined and perfect form of experience, not a special category of human experience, and cannot be separated from our other experiences. The greatest innovation of this paper is to try to compare Dewey aesthetics with the aesthetics of daily life in our country, to clarify how Dewey aesthetics finds a breakthrough for the aesthetics of daily life and provides theoretical support. And through the analysis of the common problems in public art, such as vulgarity, similarity and commercialization of public art, which are represented by squares, sculptures, communities, landmarks and so on, in the process of urbanization in our country, from the perspective of Dewey's aesthetics, In the need to attach importance to the aesthetic experience of the audience and public art in the space integrity of two aspects of the elaboration, hoping to provide advice for the development of public art in China encountered difficulties. In short, Dewey's aesthetics subverts the tradition of western aesthetics, establishes the position of aesthetic experience in the field of aesthetics, reestablishes the aesthetic connection between art and daily life, and greatly broadens the field of art. By removing the gap between art and life and drawing the distance between art and ordinary people, it is of great significance to people's practical activities and the development of society. And in many cases can give a lot of guidance and help to the problems existing in many art practices in our country.
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