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发布时间:2018-07-02 14:04

  本文选题:景观格局 + 人类活动强度 ; 参考:《甘肃农业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:It is of great significance to study the landscape pattern of land use and its gradient change under human disturbance for the rational formulation of land use planning. At present, there are more researches on the spatial gradient effect from the view of geographical space, but less on the spatial gradient effect from the angle of human activity intensity. In this paper, Jiayuguan City as the research object, using landscape ecology theory, with the help of GIS technology, combined with terrain factors, settlements and the impact of roads, The gradient effect of land use landscape pattern in Jiayuguan city was studied under different artificial disturbance gradients. The results are as follows: (1) the study area is an oasis city in arid area, and its land use structure is dominated by unused land. The landscape pattern of land use has changed obviously in the past 20 years. With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, the area of construction land increases significantly, the area of cultivated land and woodland increases slightly, the area of grassland decreases first and then increases, and the area of water and unused land shrinks continuously. The conversion between land use types is mainly changed into other land types by occupying unused land. (2) cultivated land and forest land are mainly distributed in the low intensity range of human activities in the study area, and with the increase of human activity intensity, The distribution index of these two types of land use is decreasing, the grassland is concentrated in the area of low and middle human activity intensity, and with the protection of grassland, the grassland began to distribute to the higher disturbance gradient area in 2015. The dominant distribution range of water area is mainly concentrated in the low intensity range of human activity, and some of the waters are dominant distribution in the area of high human activity intensity, the distribution index of construction land is positively correlated with the intensity index of human activity. (3) with the increase of human activity intensity, patch level index and landscape level index showed significant spatial gradient difference. At patch level, each landscape index increased first and then decreased. The patch area is the largest in the second ladder zone, the proportion of patch area and the shape index of the land type seriously affected by human activities are larger under the medium intensity of human activity, while the other land use types are larger under the low disturbance. The aggregation degree of land use landscape type except water area decreased. At the landscape level, the diversity index and evenness index decreased with the increase of the intensity of human activity, while the spreading index increased continuously. (4) with the increase of the intensity of human activity, The land use comprehensive degree index of the three periods showed the trend of line rising and then decreasing, and the land use degree was high under the medium human activity intensity. The study area can be divided into three land use control areas, that is, core area, buffer zone and marginal area.


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