本文选题:城市道路绿化 + 彩叶植物 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Hefei's economy, the role of urban road greening to display the image is becoming more and more important. It has become an important means to promote the humanities, style and taste of a city. With it, there are more and more applications of color leafed plants in urban road greening. Color leafed plants not only make up for the single color of the general plants in the city greening. But at the same time, it also plays an important role in saving the air and purifying the air. But at present, the application of color leaf plants in the urban road is limited to "use", but neglects the development of its resources, the form of collocation, collocation and conservation and planting, which makes the use of color leaf plants in urban road greening can not be used. This article mainly focuses on the application status of color leaf plants in Hefei city road greening, and chooses 26 representative roads in the four major administrative areas of Hefei (Shushan District, Yaohai District, Baohe District, Luyang District) to carry on the field investigation, and the exploration content includes the road broken. Face form, road greening content, color leaf greening tree species, color leaf plant configuration mode, etc. the data are recorded and arranged in combination with the theory knowledge of urban road greening and the theoretical knowledge of color leaf tree species. The application status of color leafed plants in urban road greening in Hefei is summarized, and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Through field investigation and research, the following points are found. In the field of field investigation and research, the following points are found: there are 55 species of color leaf plants in 26 Road Greening in 1. survey, belonging to 37 families and 47 genera respectively. There are 28 species of trees, 21 species of shrubs, 5 herbs and 1 vines. The proportion of trees and shrubs is larger, vines and herbs are relative. Less, from the color category, the color of leaf color distinguishes mainly yellow, white, red, brown, purple and dark red, which takes the first place in red, occupies 49.09% of the total number of color plants, second is yellow, and the white.2. color leaf plants have different landscape effects, which can be flower watching, foliage view, outlook fruit, bark and so on. The color leaf plants have different landscape effects in different seasons. Among the 55 color leafed plants surveyed, 6 can be ornamental for the whole year, accounting for 10.9% of the total, 17 species of ornamental trees in the rest of the spring, 30.9% of the total, 14.55% in summer, 21 in the autumn ornamental tree species, 38.18% in the total, 4 in winter, and 7.2 in the total of 7.2. 7%. in the two seasons of spring and autumn in the spring and Autumn period, there are few species of color leaf plants widely used in the spring and Autumn Period in the two seasons. The use of the species is limited to the use of legumes, Rosaceae, and lacquer tree, but in the number and frequency of use, the most of them are camphor, camphor, Berberis, purple leaf and so on. The phenomenon of irrational collocation and irrational collocation, unreasonable plant type collocation and incomplete maintenance management of color leaf plants resulted in the appearance of color modeling in urban road greening, leaky leaf plants and bare loess in the city of Hefei. According to the investigation of Hefei urban road greening, there are 11 main types of color leaf planting in Urban Road Greening: 1. Qiao Mudan 2. trees + shrubs; 3. trees + lawn ground; 4. trees + hedgerow + hedgerow + ground quilt; 6. trees + shrubs + hedge; 7. trees + shrubs + hedge + ground quilt; 8. trees + shrubs + ground quilt; 9. shrubs + hedgerow + ground quilt; 10. shrubs + hedgerow + ground quilt; 10. shrubs + hedge; 11. hedgerow + ground quilt. The non machine separation green belt, the central green belt, the traffic island green belt and so on are used more than two plants or more than two kinds of plants. Through the investigation and study of the 26 urban road greening in the four major administrative areas of Hefei, this paper summarizes the present situation of the application of the color leafed plants in the urban road greening in the four major administrative areas of Hefei. The application of color leafed plants in the greening of urban roads in the post Hefei area can be used for reference.
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