[Abstract]:The inscription board of couplets is a unique gardening technique in Chinese traditional gardens, which is frequently used in traditional gardens. With the introduction of western design ideas, the design techniques of Chinese landscape began to change gradually. What role does the couplet plaque play in the park design today? What role to play is worth thinking about. Now we have been emphasizing the need to explore landscape design techniques with Chinese characteristics, so the study of the performance of traditional garden elements in modern parks is particularly important. At present, most of the research on couplets and plaques focuses on literature. In the field of landscape architecture, most of the studies on couplets are confined to classical gardens, and the research on the form, function and function of couplets in modern parks is basically a blank. Wuhan has a certain historical and cultural background and occupies a very important position in modern times. At the same time, with the development of economy and the formulation of national policies and policies, Wuhan is gradually becoming the center of the region, and the status of the city is gradually improving. Therefore, the study of its urban construction is particularly important. Based on the collection of couplets and plaques in Wuhan Modern Park, this paper analyzes the cultural, political and spatial functions of couplets in Wuhan Modern Park. This paper compares the differences between the couplet plaques of Wuhan Modern Park and those of the traditional ones, sums up the characteristics and differences of the couplets plaques in the modern parks of Wuhan three towns, and summarizes the form and function of the couplets plaques in Wuhan Modern Park. The function and application method lay the foundation for the application of the traditional garden element of couplet plaque in modern park.
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