[Abstract]:Waterfront area has been an important area of urban development. With the rapid development of urbanization driven by industrialization, the advantages of traffic have led to the emergence of a large area of industrial land in urban waterfront area. However, due to deindustrialization, water transportation decline and many other reasons, some waterfront industrial areas have lost their former vitality, began to decline, and become the abandoned sites that few people care about. The revival of the waterfront is on the agenda in order to revitalize the declining urban areas. And when people come to realize that these seemingly dilapidated and useless abandoned lands are truly valuable heritage, the post-waterfront industrial landscape becomes a continuation of site culture in this context. One of the effective ways to revive the urban waterfront is the analysis of the elements, characteristics and values of the industrial heritage sites in the waterfront. This paper explores how to deal with industrial heritage sites of different value levels with different types of conservation and reuse models. And different types of landscape design techniques to deal with different types of site value carrier to protect the site important heritage value and play the purpose of site reuse value. And through the overseas practice case classification analysis, the contrast research present waterfront post-industrial landscape design practice example, finally obtains the research result to the domestic waterfront post-industrial landscape design enlightenment.
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