[Abstract]:The rational exploitation and sustainable utilization of scenic spots are important contents in the planning of scenic spots. This paper tries to study the scenic spots of Nanyandang from the perspective of historical changes. On the basis of historical materials such as literature series and related academic papers and monographs on scenic spots, this paper explores the natural mechanism and humanistic causes of changes, and combs the context of the changes of scenic spots in South Yandang Mountain in various historical periods. It can provide reference for the following rational development and utilization of scenic spots, interior landscape reconstruction and cultural propaganda. The South Yandang Mountain Scenic spot is located in the southwest of Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, with superior natural conditions and rich cultural background. Since the late Tang and the five dynasties, senior monks have been willing to lead the mountain to open up to now for more than 1,000 years, the South Yandang Mountain scenic spot has undergone a formation and development. The evolution process of decline and renaissance is gradually composed of points in series and then spread out as the plane, forming a relatively systematic and organic regional pattern. This article is divided into the following three parts: 1, study the influence factors of the Nanyandang Mountain scenic spot vicissitude, including the natural mechanism and the humanity motive of the formation and development of the scenic spot, summarize the characteristics and the law of the historical vicissitude of the Nanyandang scenic spot; 2, as the main part, taking the historical development of China since the Western Jin Dynasty as the vertical axis, taking the social economy, population migration and major events as the horizontal axis, combing the vicissitude history of the scenic spots in South Yandang Mountain, and confirming each other with the previous text; 3. For the purpose of the conclusion, the whole process of the vicissitude of the South Yandang Mountain scenic spot is summarized, and the theory and practice are combined to provide reference and guidance for the further development and construction of the South Yandang Mountain Scenic spot.
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