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发布时间:2019-04-08 12:35
[Abstract]:Campus landscape is an important part of campus environment. A good campus landscape plays an important role in the education and physical and mental health of middle school students. With the development of secondary education, the construction of middle school campus has also entered a climax, in the process of campus construction, there is a phenomenon of paying attention to architecture and neglecting landscape. At present, there are many problems in the campus environment of most schools, such as the single landscape form, the lack of space changes, the lack of abundant plant communities and so on. Based on the related theories of campus landscape design, environmental psychology and ecology, this paper analyzes the development of campus landscape in China and the West, the differences between the middle school campus and the primary school campus, and the university campus, and the difference between the middle school campus and the primary school campus, as well as the university campus. Based on the analysis of the relevant cases at home and abroad, based on the psychological and behavioral characteristics of middle school students, combined with the problems existing in the campus landscape of our country, this paper summarizes the planning and design principles suitable for the current middle school campus landscape in our country: (1) under the premise of ensuring the safety of the campus, Landscape planning and design (2) the campus should be divided to meet the function as the premise (3) people-oriented, to create a variety of space forms to meet the psychological and behavioral needs of middle school students (4) based on the current situation of the site, Combined with ecological principles, campus landscape planning and design (5) combined with regional characteristics, grasp the historical and cultural characteristics of the campus, create a unique campus landscape Lankao County No. 1 Senior Middle School New Campus located in the northwest of Lankao County, Henan Province, The total land area of the project planning is 137921.94 square meters. The site is flat, close to the road and convenient for transportation. However, there are two main problems in the design: (1) how to integrate the campus culture of the first high school in Lankao County into the campus landscape (2) how to reflect the regional characteristics of Lankao in the campus, To make teachers and students find a sense of belonging to these problems in schools, this paper analyzes the natural and humanistic conditions in the area where the project is located, combined with the campus culture of the first senior middle school in Lankao County, and takes "Learning and asking" as the theme. By using the design elements of "question mark" and "light bulb", Lankao County has always advocated culture, attached importance to the fine tradition of education and the campus culture of the first senior middle school in Lankao County into the landscape. The campus is divided into five functional zones: entrance area, core view area, teaching area, living area and sports area. Starting from the campus landscape elements, the first senior middle school in Lankao County was designed as a dynamic campus and an ecological and cultural school of poetry to meet the psychological and behavioral needs of teachers and students. Finally, according to the analysis of this paper, the conclusion is drawn: students' behavior characteristics play a leading role in the design of garden landscape space, and the design should be people-oriented. According to the needs of the students to reasonably arrange the campus zoning and create a variety of spaces to meet the needs of the students; In the design of campus landscape, we should not follow the trend blindly. According to the unique culture of campus and the regional characteristics of the area, we should create a campus landscape with its own characteristics. Through the above analysis and summary, hope to other similar middle school campus landscape planning and design play a certain reference role.


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