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发布时间:2019-04-09 20:52
【摘要】:乡村因其在地理、气候、环境、资源、经济、文化等方面的差异,逐渐形成了各具特色的风貌类型。山东省作为全国重要的农业大省,在不断重视农业的基础性地位,不断提高农民生活质量,不断增强农村现代化水平的同时,特色乡村风貌的建设却始终处在较低的水平。究其原因主要有三个方面:(1)山东省整体上地势平坦,平原乡村占据最大面积,导致了乡村风貌在宏观上单调平坦,缺乏足够的高低起伏变化;(2)山东省的自然环境资源有限,树木植被覆盖率低,绿化树种相对单一,缺乏优秀的大环境背景做衬底;(3)山东省经济、文化发展水平较高,大范围的“迁村并点”和大规模的经过统一规划设计的各式农村社区,导致了对地域差异性的抹杀,全省各地区之间乡村风貌整体上区分度不高,雷同现象严重。据此,论文针对山东省乡村风貌建设的长期存在的严重问题,结合2016年山东省住建厅村镇处与山东建筑大学建筑城规学院联合开展的“山东省村镇风貌特色研究”专项课题,借鉴参考了Christopher Alexander的建筑模式语言的相关思想与方法,与山东省平原地区乡村风貌建设的具体实际相结合,提出了一个系统化、规范化的乡村风貌模式语言理论体系和实践方法。全文共分六个章节。第一章主要介绍了乡村风貌的概念与范畴、研究背景、国内外乡村风貌的研究现状、山东省推进村镇风貌建设的相关政策计划、论文的的研究目的、研究内容和理论与实践意义、研究的整体性框架与具体的研究方法;第二章对亚历山大的模式语言理论进行解读,从模式语言的内涵与类型、模式语言的相关研究进展、模式语言与乡村风貌营造的关系、乡村风貌模式语言的提取等方面展开论述,为下文相关模式语言的归纳与总结,奠定方法性基础;第三章从具体乡村的风貌调研入手,总结了山东省平原地区乡村的风貌现状,并对暴露出的问题进行了思考与解读,归纳出宏观方面的大环境问题、天际轮廓线问题、色彩问题以及微观方面的公共空间问题、建筑风貌问题等方面,为下文有针对性的提出相应风貌模式语言明确了思路和方向;第四章和第五章分别对宏观与微观层面的乡村风貌模式进行了具体的研究与论述,提出了27条相应的乡村风貌模式;第六章将宏观与微观的模式组织成相互联系的模式语言结构网络,也即乡村风貌模式语言的最终形成。最后,总结了论文主要研究工作与相关结论、研究中存在的问题以及下一步的研究建议。乡村风貌是自然、地理、人文和历史等因素的综合反映,是显性的物质形态与隐性的社会文化的统一体。论文紧紧围绕山东省平原地区乡村风貌建设中长期存在的弊病,构建了面向时代发展的,具有理论性与实践性的乡村风貌模式语言,以期为广大平原地区的乡村风貌研究与建设提供积极的指导作用。
[Abstract]:Because of its differences in geography, climate, environment, resources, economy, culture and so on, rural areas have gradually formed their own features. As an important agricultural province in the whole country, Shandong Province attaches great importance to the basic status of agriculture, improves the quality of life of farmers and enhances the level of rural modernization, while the construction of characteristic rural features is always at a relatively low level. The main reasons are as follows: (1) Shandong Province as a whole is flat, the plain countryside occupies the largest area, leading to the rural landscape monotonous and flat in the macro, lack of enough ups and downs; (2) the natural environment resources of Shandong Province are limited, the coverage rate of tree vegetation is low, the greening tree species are relatively single, and lack of excellent large environmental background as substrate; (3) Shandong Province's economy, high level of cultural development, large-scale "relocation and integration" and large-scale unified planning and design of various rural communities, led to the elimination of regional differences. The rural features of the whole province are not high, and the same phenomenon is serious. Based on this, the paper aims at the long-standing serious problems in the construction of rural features in Shandong Province, and in combination with the special topic of "Research on the style and Features of villages and towns in Shandong Province" jointly carried out in 2016 by the Village and Town Department of Residential Construction Hall of Shandong Province and the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shandong University of Architecture Referring to the related thought and method of architecture model language of Christopher Alexander, and combining with the concrete practice of rural style construction in plain area of Shandong Province, this paper puts forward a systematic and standardized theoretical system and practice method of rural style pattern language. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the concept and category of rural style, research background, domestic and foreign research status of rural features, Shandong Province to promote the construction of village and town style related policy plan, the research purpose of the paper. The research content and theoretical and practical significance, the integrity of the research framework and specific research methods; The second chapter interprets Alexander's model language theory, including the connotation and type of pattern language, the research progress of pattern language, and the relationship between pattern language and rural style. The extraction of the model language of rural style and appearance is discussed in order to lay a methodological foundation for the induction and summary of the relevant model language below. The third chapter starts with the investigation of the specific rural features, summarizes the present situation of rural features in the plain areas of Shandong Province, ponders and interprets the problems exposed, and sums up the macro-environmental problems, the skyline problem, and so on. Color problems and micro-aspects of public space issues, architectural features and other aspects, for the following targeted proposed corresponding style model language clear ideas and directions; The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter respectively have carried on the concrete research and the exposition to the macroscopic and the microcosmic level rural style pattern, have proposed 27 corresponding countryside style and appearance pattern; In the sixth chapter, the macro-and micro-patterns are organized into an interrelated pattern language structure network, that is, the final formation of the model language of rural style. Finally, the paper summarizes the main research work and related conclusions, the existing problems and future research suggestions. Rural style is a comprehensive reflection of natural, geographical, humanistic and historical factors, as well as the unity of explicit material form and recessive social culture. Focusing on the long-standing defects in the construction of rural landscape in plain areas of Shandong Province, the paper constructs a model language of rural style, which is oriented to the development of the times and has theoretical and practical features. In order to provide positive guidance for the rural landscape research and construction in the vast plain area.


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