[Abstract]:With the protection and development of wetland resources, urban wetland park not only can effectively protect the ecological nature of wetland and maintain its original ecological function, but also can assume the role of urban park and provide leisure space for citizens. Balance the relationship between tourist experience and post-tour behavior intention of urban wetland park. Jinhe Bay Wetland Park is a demonstration area for water ecological protection and restoration in Harbin, and its completion experience has a great influence on the restoration of rivers in the north of the Yangtze River. At the same time, evaluating the operation of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park will also play an important role in large-scale construction of the Central Wetland Park in the future. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical value to study and evaluate the experience of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park in order to improve the tourists' satisfaction with the wetland park and the best experience degree. This paper focuses on the experience value of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park. The landscape experience evaluation is mainly based on the experience value of the wetland park, from four aspects: the service experience, the characteristic experience, the educational experience and the ecological experience. Guided by the theories of tourism environmental carrying capacity, environmental psychology and tourism resource science, this paper takes the basic research of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park as the starting point, in order to create the experience space, puts forward the solution to the existing problems of the wetland park. This article uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to pay attention to the combination of qualitative and quantitative research, establishes the evaluation index system for the experience value of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park, and determines the weight value. On this basis, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to carry out fuzzy evaluation. AHP method belongs to subjective weighting method, fuzzy evaluation method is an objective evaluation model, focusing on the combination of subjective and objective, not only incorporating expert opinions, but also based on objective facts. In order to promote the construction and development of Harbin Urban Wetland Park, the landscape spatial environment of Jinhe Bay Wetland Park, which is beneficial to tourists' experience, is explored through relevant theoretical research and case study. The application of the research results can not only improve the experience quality of tourists visiting wetland parks, but also provide a reference for the study of landscape design of urban wetland parks in the future.
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