本文关键词: 宋代 风俗画 兴盛原因 艺术特征 人物画 出处:《中央美术学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The interest in folk paintings was based on an experience of visiting the The Imperial Palace Museum. I remember a painting by Zhou Chen of the Ming Dynasty, "Fishery Picture," that attracted me very much. This painting uses freehand brushwork to describe the scenes of the daily work of people in the village of Shuicun. The details in the painting are accurate, the characters are lifelike, and they particularly touch me. Then, they become interested in the traditional Chinese folk paintings and learn from the process of understanding them. Song folklore painting, as the most prosperous period in the evolution of Chinese folklore painting, has special artistic charm, so I want to further explore it here. The depiction of the upper-class, such as ladies and daughters, but by the Song Dynasty, the genre painting had reached a new height and a new face in terms of subject matter or form of expression. The scope of the subject matter was broadened, and the scope of the subject began to deepen into the life of the ordinary people and to express the daily life of the ordinary people. It has strong characteristics of the times and style, and also contains the unique cultural significance and aesthetic value, which is the peak of the history of the development of Chinese folklore painting. Discussing the definition of folklore painting, limiting the study of folklore painting in this paper to a relatively narrow scope, that is, mainly referring to the daily life of the citizens, local customs and customs. This paper expounds the development situation and the causes of its prosperity before the Song Dynasty custom painting, probes into the artistic characteristics and significance of its inclusion, and discusses the inspiration to my personal creation.
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