本文关键词: 海派 金石 构图 博古图 感想 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The rise of the Shanghai School in the Qing Dynasty, Guang Xu, its theme is mainly flowers and birds painting, painting style fresh and lively. It broke the mid-Qing Dynasty painting world depressed situation, This time the prosperity of the painting world presents some characteristics different from those of the past. The picture seeks change, is bold to innovate, is full of life sentiment, and does not abide by the rules. Among them, the most successful one is Zhao Zhiqian, the void Valley. Ren Yi-yi and Wu Changshuo. In Shanghai, where industry and commerce are rising rapidly, in order to cater to the new class of citizens and realize their creative ideals, the painters of the Shanghai school often use calligraphy and seal cutting techniques for painting. To make the picture bright and beautiful. In addition to drawing the "four Gentlemen," they also integrated into the picture the fruits and vegetables often eaten in life, such as cucumbers, lentils, bamboo shoots, turnips, gourds, watermelons, lotus roots, and so on. They also added ancient bronzes. The formation of the unique bogutu of the Shanghai School. The Shanghai School can be regarded as a watershed between the ancient Chinese painting and the modern painting. The new painting form it created inspired the creative thinking of the modern Chinese painting. Its open painting language, the brush and ink form of the gold and stone pen, the extensive composition method and the excavating of the Bogu map have a profound influence on my painting works, and provide the basis of painting language for my graduation creation.
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