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发布时间:2018-02-17 07:27

  本文关键词: 诗书画印一体化 以诗入画 文人画 院体画 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文立足于宋徽宗个人在艺术上的突出成就展开论述的,切人点是从宋徽宗的作品中分析他在“诗书画印”整合上做出的巨大贡献,而“诗书画印”一体化,对艺术家的综合学养要求极其高,也是中国画区别于西画,在世界艺术之林中占有重要地位的基石。西画是以绘画本体为主要研究对象的方法,只关注绘画本身;而中国画把诗文、绘画、书法、印章四者相互结合统一在一起,使其无论是在文学性还是艺术性上都相映生辉,成就了中国特有的绘画模式。宋徽宗在这个方面贡献突出,成就非同一般,他身为帝王艺术家,有天赋异禀的才华,,和无人可及的权利,借助这两点优势成为了诗、书、画、印的极大成者,并且改革考试制度,把画学列为考试范围之中,还以诗歌为题目进行艺术创作,在他在位期间主持编纂了很多画史,画论等书籍,并且深刻的影响了院内与院外画家的审美倾向,影响了整个大宋王朝甚至元、明、清三朝直到今天还极具影响力。 诗、书、画、印这四种独立的艺术,在绘画初期并没有按一定的审美规范组合在一起的这种艺术样式。而这种“诗书画印”相结合的艺术样式是慢慢的逐渐形成的过程,是艺术家们不断研究碰撞发展得来的,也是不断完善中国画价值体系的过程。最早提出“诗书画印”一体化的不是宋徽宗,最早实践“诗书画印”一体化的也不是他,在宋徽宗之前就已有这样的绘画形式,但较之书法、绘画、印章、诗文结合的程度来说还不够成熟。而他却是最早将“诗书画印”结合完美的,并且影响力是最大的一个艺术家。 中西画比较来看,除了工具和材料的差异是其外部特征最大差距,就是中国画逐渐形成了诗书画印一体化的中国绘画特色。这就强调画家在文学,绘画,书法及用印上都要有一定的造诣,要有很高的综合学养。确立了这一成熟范式,要求画家具有这三方面的基本能力:一,绘画技术的练习不仅仅只是绘画技巧的培养同时要兼顾书法技巧的培养还有篆刻艺术的培养,起码也要增加篆刻审美敏感的培养。就是你可以不会刻章但起码要能审视出章的好坏与美丑及如何布局。二,在技巧之上,还要注重文化修养的提高和升华,特别是诗学的研究。三,画家要将自己所学的诗、书、画、印四者融会贯通,有机的融合为一体,才是“诗书画印”这个中国绘画独有的模式所确立的最终意义。中西绘画在绘画价值观上有着绝不相同的一大特点就是西画强调绘画本体语言。中国画有个这个特点,使得中国画在世界艺林中有独一无二的地位,“诗书画印”一体化为中国画构筑自己的绘画价值体系有着非常重要的学术意义。 他是一个院体画家,却在以文人画为代表的“诗书画印”一体化上成就不凡,可见宋徽宗在艺术上的文人情怀,他的艺术主张,艺术思想带来了空前的艺术盛世,深深的影响了那个朝代。 我在宋徽宗的艺术作品中考证这个艺术天才在“诗书画印”上的突出成就,特别是在其一体化上做出前人没有过的成绩,分析宋徽宗的“诗书画印”一体化形成的原因,研究宋徽宗之前诗书画印结合的状况,以证实宋徽宗的突出成就,和杰出的贡献。研究这样一个历史人物,在绘画领域,特别是工笔花鸟领域的重要性和必要性。
[Abstract]:Based on the outstanding achievements of the individual in the Song Hui , the author points out that he has made great contributions to the integration of the Painting and Painting of the Song Hui , and it is the foundation stone of the Chinese painting which is distinguished from the western painting and occupies an important position in the forest of the world art . The four independent arts of poetry , book , painting and printing have not been combined together in the early stage of painting . The artistic style of the combination of the painting and painting is the process of gradual formation . It is also the process of continuously improving the value system of Chinese painting . In comparison of Chinese and western paintings , besides tools and materials , the difference between painting and painting is the most important difference between Chinese painting and painting . He is a painter of the courtyard , but in the painting of the painting and painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of the painting of painting " , it is not uncommon , it can be seen in the art of the scholar ' s feelings , his artistic proposition , the art thought has brought unprecedented artistic prosperity , deeply influenced that dynasty . In Song Hui ' s works of art , I pass on the outstanding achievements of the artistic genius in the Painting and Painting of the Song Dynasty , especially the achievements made by the previous people in the integration of the Song Hui , the reasons for the integration of the poems and paintings in the Song Hui , and the outstanding contributions of the Song Hui Zong ' s poems and calligraphy .



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