发布时间:2018-02-20 06:30
本文关键词: 丁中一 水墨人物画 光影素描 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:丁中一先生自幼酷爱绘画,,9岁执笔作画,14岁便创作发表了连环画《团队的旗帜》,是我国当代著名的水墨人物画家。1960年毕业于浙江美术学院(现中国美院)中国画系,同年赴河南工作至今。现为河南大学艺术学院教授,硕士生导师、中国美协会员、原河南美术家协副主席、省文联委员、现为省文史馆馆员、河南省优秀专家等。并曾出席全国第七、八次文代会及全国第六次美术家代表大会。他的作品独具风格,画面精简却意境深远,在具象写实的光影素描式的外表下却隐藏着中国传统水墨人物画的精髓,看似西方绘画的外表下实则包裹着传统文人画的内涵。 丁中一先生的新法水墨人物画在当今中国水墨人物画画坛具有很大的影响力,并且丁中一先生先前的水墨人物画面貌形成的过程与整个中国水墨人物画坛面貌的转变大体上是相一致的,所以研究丁先生水墨人物画不仅可以了解当代中国水墨人物画的发展概况而且还可以通过对丁中一先生的新法水墨人物画的研究总结出光影素描对人物画的重要影响,因此,对丁中一先生水墨人物画的研究是一个很有价值的个案。 丁先生对水墨人物画的探索和突破对于中国水墨人物画的发展起到了探索创新的推动作用。时下中国水墨人物画呈现出多元化的发展方向,然社会上一些声音却是复古风劲吹,这实则对写实性水墨人物画的发展来说并不适合,本文首先通过对丁中一先生新法水墨人物画的发展历程和他的水墨人物画特点以及形成原因进行归纳整理,得出光影素描对丁中一先生水墨人物画的具体影响,其中包括对创作理念、观察方法、“线”的提炼、画面节奏以及对绘画风格等方面的影响,从而论证光影素描对他的新水墨人物画形成的重要性。其次,将丁中一先生水墨人物画作品分别与蒋兆和先生的作品、杨之光先生的作品、方增先先生的作品以及刘文西先生的作品一一进行比较研究,归纳总结他们之间的异同,将其客观系统的分析,研究得出丁中一先生新作的代表性与典型性,进而论证光影素描对水墨人物画的重要性以及丁中一先生的新水墨人物画作品对中国水墨人物画发展带来的影响与启示意义。 本文有望通过对丁中一先生水墨人物画的分析,总结丁先生在于中西绘画语言融合上的突破与创新,以论证光影素描对于水墨人物画的重要作用,从而为中国水墨人物画的发展提供可以借鉴与思考的方向。
[Abstract]:Mr. Ding Zhongyi, who has loved painting since he was 9 years old, has written and painted since he was 14 years old. He was a famous contemporary Chinese character painter in China. In 1960, he graduated from the Department of Chinese painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts). He has been working in Henan since the same year. He is a professor of the College of Art, Henan University, a tutor for master students, a member of the China Art Association, a former vice chairman of Henan artists' Association, a member of the Provincial Federation of Literature and Art, and now a librarian of the Provincial Museum of Literature and History. He has attended the 7th, eight cultural dynasties and 6th national artists' congresses. His works are of unique style, but their pictures are concise but their artistic conception is profound. The essence of Chinese traditional ink figure painting is hidden under the realistic light and shadow sketch, but the connotation of traditional literati painting is wrapped under the appearance of western painting. Mr. Ding Zhongyi's new law and ink figure painting has a great influence on the contemporary Chinese ink figure painting world. Moreover, the process of the formation of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's previous wash and ink figure painting appearance is basically consistent with the change in the face of the whole Chinese ink painting world. Therefore, the study of Mr. Ding ink figure painting can not only understand the development of contemporary Chinese ink figure painting, but also sum up the important influence of light and shadow sketch on figure painting through the study of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's new method. The study of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's ink figure painting is a valuable case. Mr. Ding's exploration and breakthrough of Chinese ink figure painting has played an important role in exploring and innovating the development of Chinese ink figure painting. However, some voices in the society are blowing with the wind of retro times, which is not suitable for the development of realistic ink and wash figure painting. In this paper, first of all, through the development of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's new law ink figure painting, the characteristics of his ink figure painting and the reasons for its formation are summarized and arranged, and the concrete influence of light and shadow sketch on Mr. Ding Zhongyi's ink figure painting is obtained. This includes the refining of creative ideas, observation methods, "lines", the rhythm of the picture and the style of painting, thus demonstrating the importance of light and shadow sketching to the formation of his new ink figure painting. Secondly, Comparing the works of Mr. Ding Zhongyi with those of Mr. Jiang Zhaohe, Mr. Yang Zhiguang, Mr. Fang Zengxian and Mr. Liu Wenxi, respectively, to sum up the similarities and differences between them. Through the objective and systematic analysis, we can find out the representativeness and typicality of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's new work. And then demonstrates the importance of light and shadow sketch to the ink figure painting and the influence and enlightenment significance of the new ink figure painting works of Mr. Ding Zhongyi on the development of the Chinese ink figure painting. This paper is expected to sum up the breakthrough and innovation in the integration of Chinese and Western painting languages through the analysis of Mr. Ding Zhongyi's ink and wash figure painting, in order to demonstrate the important role of light and shadow sketch in the ink figure painting. Thus for the development of Chinese ink figure painting can be used for reference and thinking direction.
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