本文选题:徽派建筑 切入点:艺术美 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:徽州文化作为中国三大地域文化之一,历史悠久,博大精深。而徽州建筑在徽州文化中占有重要的地位,它因特殊的地理位置、地寧特征和人文社会观念的影响而形成。这种独具特色的建筑风格备受世人关注。 徽派建筑是中国封建社会后期成熟的古建筑流派之一,它的设计理念与审美层次也达到了一定的高度。在民居祠堂、牌坊园林等建筑实物中就能体现出它的建筑风格与形式美感。徽派建筑是一种极具地域特征的文化现象,先辈们在古徽州这片热土上,安家落户、繁衍生息,并希望通过辛勤的劳动改善和提高他们的居住环境,经过他们不断的实践与努力创造了徽派建筑文化的辉煌,在造型、功能、装饰、结构诸多方面都自成一格。作为皖南地区独有的人文资源和文化形象符号,徽州古建筑一直受到国内外各界人士的广泛关注。它的出现不仅促进了当地旅游经济的发展,更满足了文人学士探索历史文化的欲望,尤其是对于艺术家们来说,更是一笔丰厚的文化遗产。这自然的风光蕴藏着无限的生机与灵感,也打开了艺术家的心扉。他们忘情与这风景之中,不断的寻找与心灵相撞击的因素,创作激情也油然而生。 在本文中从建筑的形态、构造与风格等方面来分析徽州建筑的特点,让读者感受到徽州民居、祠堂、庙宇的特有之美,以及徽州建筑文化在徽州文化中的地位,这也是它至今都能独立于世的原因。同时通过欣赏和了解徽州建筑,慢慢体会建筑背后蕴含的精神力量,也是徽州人传递给我们的精神力量。然后对描绘徽州风寧题材的作品进行个案分析,,体会家乡之情与成长环境对他们探索个性化油画语言的影响。进而分析徽州地区油画的发展过程、现状、前景,最后深入到古韵徽州对我油画创作的影响。作为徽派建筑热衷者之一,我也选择徽派建筑作为绘画创作的素材,希望通过作品能表达出我对徽州这片土地的热爱与眷恋,以及让更多的人知道热土徽州带给我们的精神洗礼与心灵慰藉。
[Abstract]:As one of the three major regional cultures in China, Huizhou culture has a long history and is extensive and profound. Huizhou architecture plays an important role in Huizhou culture because of its special geographical position. The characteristics of Dining and the influence of humanism and social concept, this unique architectural style has attracted the attention of the world. Huizhou architecture is one of the most mature ancient architecture schools in the later period of Chinese feudal society, and its design concept and aesthetic level have reached a certain height. The architectural style and aesthetic sense of the architectural style and form can be reflected in the architectural objects such as archway gardens. The Huizhou architecture is a cultural phenomenon with extremely regional characteristics. The ancestors settled down their families and thrived on the hot land of ancient Huizhou. And hope that through hard work to improve and improve their living environment, through their continuous practice and efforts to create Huizhou architectural culture brilliant, in the shape, function, decoration, As a unique humanistic resource and cultural image symbol in southern Anhui, the ancient architecture of Huizhou has been widely concerned by people from all walks of life at home and abroad. Its appearance has not only promoted the development of the local tourism economy, It also satisfies the Scholars' desire to explore history and culture, especially for artists, it is a rich cultural heritage. This natural scenery is full of vitality and inspiration. Also opened the artist's heart, they forget feelings and this landscape, constantly looking for the elements of the soul, creative passion arises. In this paper, the characteristics of Huizhou architecture are analyzed from the aspects of architectural form, construction and style, so that readers can feel the unique beauty of Huizhou folk houses, ancestral halls and temples, as well as the position of Huizhou architectural culture in Huizhou culture. This is why it is still independent of the world. At the same time, by appreciating and understanding the architecture of Huizhou, we can slowly understand the spiritual power behind it. It is also the spiritual power that Huizhou people have passed on to us. Then, a case study of the works depicting the theme of Fengning in Huizhou is carried out. Understand the influence of their hometown and growing environment on their exploration of individualized oil painting language, and then analyze the development process, current situation and prospect of oil painting in Huizhou area, Finally, I went deep into the influence of ancient Huizhou on my oil painting creation. As one of the enthusiasts of Huizhou architecture, I also chose Huizhou architecture as the material for painting creation, hoping to express my love and attachment to this piece of land of Huizhou through my works. And let more people know that Huizhou brings us spiritual baptism and spiritual comfort.
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