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发布时间:2018-03-23 05:05

  本文选题:三四十年代 切入点:插图 出处:《河北科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At the beginning of the 20th century, China suffered from internal and external troubles and social unrest. There was the dark rule of the northern warlords and the eyes of the foreign powers. In the 1930s, the three provinces of the East fell, the incident of Shanghai and the Japanese army occupied the river and invaded Jidong. Large areas of our country have been trampled and ravaged, and tens of millions of compatriots have been forced to go into exile. After the War of Resistance against Japan broke out in 1937, the war brought endless suffering to the Chinese people. However, peril also gave birth to hope, since the May 4th New Cultural Movement. The new trend of thought is constantly surging, and science and technology are pushing the old into the new, especially the illustrations of the 1930s and 1940s. It's more like pushing open a bright window to dark China. The 1930s and 1940s are the beginning of modern illustrations in China. With the new cultural movement, the new print movement and the new ideas, new ideas, and new forms brought about by the progress of science and technology, The art of illustration also presents unprecedented changes in subject matter, form of expression, formal language, etc. Realism is the keynote of this period. In terms of subject matter, illustrations are mainly about depicting the sufferings and wars of the people at the bottom of society. In order to promote the resistance against Japan and encourage the people to play a positive role, in the form of expression and formal language, the focus of Western painting perspective, light and dark tone, realistic and traditional Chinese painting point perspective, meticulous line drawing, freehand brushwork, vivid, He has created a large number of excellent illustrations in the form of oil paintings, watercolors, sketches, lines and ink, which not only have rich national decorative implications but also have a sense of the times. It is like a mirror of the times, reflecting all aspects of social life. Also reflect people's spirit, ideal, reflect people's material life and consciousness culture.


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