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发布时间:2018-03-26 22:28

  本文选题:语言符号 切入点:传承性 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:语言,作为人与人之间进行沟通的基本工具,其通过言说的形式来表达陈述主体的情感与意愿,因此,我们可以将语言看做是具有普适价值的基本沟通符号;绘画,作为一种特殊的沟通工具,通过形状和构造的结合进行情感和意愿的抒发,其并不局限于人与人之间的基本沟通,更多地是在进行个性的、区别于基本沟通方式的情感宣泄,是一种特殊符号形式,而艺术品的价值正是源于其不同于普通语言符号的特殊符号形式。 作为艺术品之一的中国画,也自然存在语言符号的特殊性,正是源于这种“特殊性”,成就了具有不同风格的画派、画种以及画家个体。所以,我们不难看出,作为语言符号之中的特殊符号形式,绘画的特殊性便淋漓尽致的展现在不同的题材、画家、甚至每一幅画作上;以题材为例,中国画在题材上可大致分为山水、花鸟、人物,区分这三者之间的语言符号便是“题材”,若单以山水画的演变历程而言,其从古至今又可分为青绿山水、浅绛山水、文人画、以及现代各种不同风格山水画,而区分上述内容之间的符号语言则是他们的绘画的形式、色彩以及笔墨用法;最后以具体画作深究,不同画家的画面往往又呈现出“特殊”的表现形式,让观赏者很明确的认出画作出自哪位画者,此处的符号语言便是“精神”。 综上,笔者撰文的目的便在于结合自己的创作来探寻中国山水画中的语言符号。
[Abstract]:Language, as a basic tool for communication between people, expresses the feelings and wishes of the subject through the form of speech. Therefore, we can regard language as the basic communication symbol with universal value; painting, As a special communication tool, the expression of emotion and will through the combination of shape and structure is not limited to the basic communication between people, it is more in the process of personality, different from the basic way of communication emotional catharsis. Art is a special form of symbol, and the value of art originates from the special form of symbol which is different from that of common language. As one of the works of art, Chinese painting also naturally has the particularity of language symbols. It is precisely from this "particularity" that it has achieved different styles of painting, painting types and painters. Therefore, it is not difficult to see that, As a special symbol form in language symbols, the particularity of painting is vividly displayed in different subjects, painters, and even every painting. Taking the subject matter as an example, Chinese painting can be roughly divided into landscape, flowers and birds, and figures. In terms of the evolution of landscape painting, it can be divided into green landscape, light crimson landscape, literati painting and various modern landscape paintings from ancient to present. The symbolic language that distinguishes between the above contents is the form of their painting, color and the use of pen and ink. Finally, in the light of the specific paintings, the paintings of different painters often take on a "special" form of expression. The symbolic language here is "spirit" for the viewer to recognize exactly who the painting came from. In summary, the purpose of the author's writing is to explore the language symbols in Chinese landscape painting in combination with his own creation.


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