本文选题:肖像油画 切入点:写实 出处:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:绘画艺术中,光这一绘画语言在西方传统绘画和现代绘画时期都有其特殊的地位与作用。在写实语境下,在传统和现代肖像油画艺术中有着不同的表现方式和传递不同的艺术内涵。光的研究与表现在写实肖像油画中尤为重要,我们可以从以往西方肖像油画作品里看到,无论是再现写实还是内心写实的表现形式,在风格和光的运用与表达上有着不同的侧重点和审美取向。 西方写实肖像油画艺术中,光的表达不仅是再现客观对象的手段,更是组织画面形式和表达主观情感的视觉符号。然而,光的运用与表现直接关联着西方写实肖像油画的艺术魅力。这里,从聚集光、漫射光、平光、逆光和非自然光的用光方式来解读写实肖像油画中用光的发展历程、方式以及审美特性。文艺复兴时期人物披上柔美圣洁光辉,,由于自然科学发展和视觉艺术的革命,发展到巴洛克喜好焦点、戏剧性的用光特点,再到印象主义对自然阳光的剖析以及之后现代绘画中光线的主观释放。不同的用光方式尤其相应的审美特性。宗教心理机制、内心情感的真实、作品气氛的彰显、形式语言结构以及装饰趣味的表达都与光线的运用与表达有着密切的关系。光作为重要的造型元素对写实肖像油画的表现与形式有着不容忽视的影响,对于它的研究越显得尤为重要,努力挖掘写实肖像油画中的用光方式以及表现出来的审美特性,以此来揭示西方写实肖像艺术的内在特点。
[Abstract]:In the art of painting, the language of light painting has its special status and function in the period of western traditional painting and modern painting. There are different ways of expression and different artistic connotations in traditional and modern portrait oil painting. The research and expression of light is especially important in realistic portrait painting. There are different emphases and aesthetic orientations in the application and expression of style and light, whether reproducing realism or inner realism. In the art of realistic portrait painting in the West, the expression of light is not only the means of reproducing the objective object, but also the visual symbol of organizing the picture form and expressing the subjective emotion. The use and performance of light are directly related to the artistic charm of realistic portrait paintings in the West. Here, the development of light in realistic portrait paintings is interpreted by means of light in the form of aggregate light, diffuse light, flat light, inverse light and unnatural light. Style and aesthetic characteristics. Renaissance characters are decorated with soft, holy splendor, with the development of natural science and the revolution of visual arts, which has developed into the focus of Baroque's preference for dramatic exhaustion. Then to the impressionist analysis of the natural sun and the subjective release of light in the post-modern painting. Different ways of using light are especially relevant to the aesthetic characteristics, religious psychological mechanism, the truth of inner emotion, the manifestation of the work atmosphere, The structure of formal language and the expression of decorative taste are closely related to the use and expression of light. As an important modeling element, light has an important influence on the expression and form of realistic portrait oil painting. It is more and more important to study it, try to excavate the light way and aesthetic characteristic in realistic portrait oil painting, so as to reveal the inherent characteristics of western realistic portrait art.
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