本文选题:油画风景 + 写实 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国油画风景是中国油画的一个重要组成部分,,以其多元化的创作形式和对民族融合性的探索,为我国美术事业的发展做出了卓越的贡献。自“风景·风情”全国小幅油画展”到“中国精神-油画风景学术研究展”,其间我看到了许多优秀的中国油画风景作品。在欣赏这些多元化作品的同时,我也看到了中国油画风景从融合到发展的过程。西方油画技法最初传入中国时,中国油画风景继承西方写实主义,注重对物象的模仿与再现,但随着人们审美意识的不断提升,单纯的物象再现已经不能满足人们的审美需要,此时,与本土化文化接壤的表现性油画风景开始越来越多地出现在中国油画的历史舞台上。 近年来油画风景学会的成立,风景写生基地的兴起,这都促进了油画风景的繁荣发展。然而在其迅猛发展的背后也存在着有待于改善的问题。研究中国当下油画风景发展,已经成为急需我们探讨研究的课题。如果本着寻源问道的精神分析中国油画风景,对“写实”与“表现”发展脉络的再认识,是我国油画风景创作发展的需要,是建设有中国特色的油画的需要。所以要想发展创新,必须重新审视自己,认识自己。才能更坚定的明确自己的发展方向。 从“写实”到“表现”是造型艺术发展的一个过程,也是中国油画风景发展的一个必要环节。中国油画风景在当下各种思潮的影响下将何去何从,弄清这一问题,既能提高个人审美的能力,同时又能促进艺术家在创作时对形式语言探索的发展方向。 本文以美术史发展的轨迹为线索,从发生到发展的思路构建全文,并运用以史为鉴的方法浅谈对中国油画风景的再认识。 引言部分总说“再认识”的意义。第一章简述写实与表现的含义及其特征。第二章梳理油画从被动的再现到主动的表现的美术史发展过程。说明从写实到表现是美术史的发展过程,也是中国油画风景发展的必然规律。第三章通过对美术史的借鉴,分析中国油画风景中的写实与表现。正确的审视自己所处的位置。第四章对中国化的油画现状及未来总结经验教训、提出存在问题,明确自己的位置,以利于创作从而确立自己的发展方向。
[Abstract]:Chinese landscape painting is an important part of Chinese painting, with its diverse creation form and to explore the national fusion, has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's art career. Since the "scenery, amorous feelings" small paintings "to" Chinese spirit of academic research of landscape painting exhibition ", which I saw a lot of excellent China landscape painting works. In appreciation of the diversification of work at the same time, I also saw China landscape painting from fusion to the process of development of Western painting techniques. The first Chinese, Chinese landscape painting inherited the western realism, imitation and reproduction of the images, but with the continuous improvement of people's aesthetic consciousness simple images, reproduction has been unable to meet the aesthetic needs of the people, at this time, began to appear more and more in China's oil and landscape performance of oil on the localization of culture On the historical stage of the painting.
The establishment of landscape painting society in recent years, the rise of landscape painting base, which promotes the prosperity and development of landscape painting. However, there are also needs to improve the problem behind the rapid development of the current research. Chinese landscape painting development, has become the urgent need of our study. If the spirit of the spirit of seeking the source asked analysis of Chinese oil painting scenery, recognition of "contextual realism" and "performance" development, is the need of China's landscape painting creation and development, is the need to build a China characteristic oil painting. So in order to develop innovation, must re-examine their own understanding of their own, can be more clearly determined. Their own development direction.
From the "realistic" to "performance" is a process of the development of plastic arts, but also Chinese landscape painting development a necessary link. China landscape painting in contemporary influence of various thoughts will decide on what path to follow, find out the problem, which can not only improve the personal aesthetic ability, but also can promote the artists in the creation of development the direction of formal language exploration.
This article takes the track of the development of art history as a clue, and constructs the full text from the way of happening to development, and uses the method of learning from the history to understand the landscape of Chinese oil painting again.
The introduction part said re understanding of the significance. The first chapter briefly introduces the meaning and characteristics of realism and performance. The second chapter is painting from passive to active reproduction performance of art history development process. From realism to performance is the development process of the history of art, it is the inexorable law Chinese landscape painting development. The third chapter the history of art for reference, analysis of realism and expressionism Chinese landscape painting. The right to examine their own position. The fourth chapter of the status quo and future Chinese painting lessons learned, put forward the existing problems and clarify their position, in order to facilitate the creation and establish their own direction of development.
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