本文选题:美术史研究 + 中国美术史 ; 参考:《美术观察》2017年05期
[Abstract]:The classification of Chinese art history and the whole set of terms used to express thinking are closely related to the study of art history in Europe and the United States.Therefore, in the process of studying Chinese art history, we can not ignore the academic achievements of our overseas counterparts.The study of Chinese art history in Europe and America began at the beginning of the 20th century, while the related research in the United States did not take shape until the mid-1950s ([1]) in the first half of the 20th century, accompanied by the decline of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty and the small war of war in the mainland of China.Many French books and famous paintings have been spread to Europe and the United States, bringing new opportunities for the research of American counterparts ([2]).On this basis, these American scholars from the tradition of western art history education have pushed the study of Chinese art history to a new height, of which Li Ji-jin (1920-2014) is one of its members ([3]).
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院;
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5 李辉武;;作为地域美术史研究方法选择的口述美术史[J];创作与评论;2012年03期
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9 杨毅璞;;美术史研究方法的分析与反思[J];美术教育研究;2014年02期
10 王明青;;特立独行惟求真——对话从事中国美术史研究的徐小虎博士[J];文化交流;2013年11期
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2 薛永年;中国美术史研究与教育的30年[N];中国文化报;2008年
3 巫鸿 芝加哥大学艺术史系教授;巫鸿:美术史研究要强调中国与世界交互视野[N];中国社会科学报;2009年
4 陈子裳;汪悦进:美术史研究与图像的深层理路[N];东方早报;2011年
5 高俊峰;域外中国美术史研究的可贵探索[N];河北日报;2014年
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9 许江;为艺术战——“85与一所美术学府”[N];中华读书报;2013年
10 吕立新;什么样的画才是真正的艺术品[N];联合日报;2014年
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2 王甍;后殖民语境下的中日当代艺术比较研究[D];重庆大学;2007年