发布时间:2018-05-14 19:20
本文选题:山水画写生 + 写生与创作的关系 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:中国山水画始终强调着“外师造化,中得心源”的思想,要以自然造化为老师,必定离不开写生。写生是一种直接表达情感的方式,在绘画者追求单纯物象真实描绘的前提下,通过对元素的取舍,经营,再重构,形成有别于他人情感作品的过程。记录着细腻,亲切,但不为我们全部知晓的情怀,这个过程并不是某种简单样式的重复出现,还需要我们大量的实践和总结。 写生是中国绘画创作的来源和基础,中国山水画的最早兴起可以推至魏晋南北朝时期,当时仅仅作为人物画,墓室壁画、佛教壁画中的背景出现在画面中,随后山水画便逐步脱离出来,独立成画。中国绘画史中第一篇山水画论,宗炳的《画山水序》中提到,身所盘桓,目所绸缪,以形写形,以色貌色。说的是绘画者为了到达胸中的丘壑,必须亲临自然,感同身受。通过写生可以加深对自然的认识。认知万物的结构,了解生长规律以及之间的层层联系。洞悉生命延续的能力,是绘画者的基本功。写生要求绘画者对物象忠诚,强调取舍和概括。绘画者不能尾随于物象,要掌握控制权,主动经营画面。 现在最常用的写生方法是张仃先生所倡导的对景写生。要求绘画者在写生过程中,必须时刻用心观察物象并对自然变化有瞬间感知的能力,将情感依附于符合的笔墨写于作品,才能使作品赋有生命力和感染力的同时并个性化。目前写生中最多的问题就是用古人的眼睛看自然,依附于传统技法而无力自拔,画面缺失个人情感和个性化的表现和研究,从概念化到程式化,不断地进行着简单的重复。 每个人对自然的态度不同,反映在画面上的表达也不相同。想要找寻突破。求得丰富发展,于是对自然物象的选取,解构,重组,形成一套成熟的绘画语言便成了画家们的首要任务。艺术符号的引入就是一个例子,所谓艺术符号就是一些大家已经认可的简单图形。历代山水画符号的形成,是绘画者在长期绘画发展和演变中一直遵守道法自然,物我合一的产物。来源于对自然的写生,却高于自然,在似与不似之间让人揣摩,回味。 然而在西方现代绘画的影响下,当代山水画中图像符号的价值高于形成这-图像的笔墨元素,当你用扎实的笔墨去表现时,如果作品本身没有符号的特点,你就不会被很多的人关注评价。如果你的作品具有符号特征,即使是笔墨手法一般,但仍会受到好评。这是当下时代山水画的悲哀也是这个时代所独有的特征。因此,图像中符号特征的评判是衡量一个当代山水画家是否具有当下性的重要标准之一。人们对符号的执着追求还有一个原因,社会快速的发展,使山水画家们渐渐从以自然为主的角度,转换成为自我为主,按照市场需求创作,少了古人对自然的忠诚,更多的是个性的张扬。人们留恋自己创造同时,更多的学会了膜拜自己。为了更有说服力,便不停地强调和神话符号的概念。就现阶段中国山水画发展的情况,个性化符号的体现已经达到了较高的水准。从本质结构区别常态的意象符号的角度出发,来研究山水画的写生,对理解山水画的内在精髓,实现山水画的理论和实践创新,都有着极其重要的意义。本文借此前提展开叙述,简单分析中国山水画写生,与创作的关系,创作元素符号。
[Abstract]:The Chinese landscape painting always emphasizes the thought of " externalization and middle - to - source " . It is a direct way to express emotion . It is a kind of direct expression of emotion . It is a process of expressing emotion directly . It is not a kind of repeated occurrence of some simple style . It also needs us a lot of practice and summary .
Writing is the origin and basis of Chinese painting creation . The first rise of Chinese landscape painting can be pushed to the period of Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties , when the background of Chinese landscape painting appeared in the picture , then the landscape painting was gradually separated out , and then landscape painting was made .
The most commonly used method of writing is that Mr . Zhang gave birth to the scene . It is necessary for the painter to observe the material image at all times and instantly perceive the natural change in the process of writing . The most important problem in the writing is to use the eyes of the ancient people to read the nature , to attach itself to the traditional technique , and to lack personal emotion and individual performance and research , from conceptualizing to programming , and to repeat itself .
Everyone ' s attitude to nature is different , reflecting on the picture is not the same . Want to search for breakthrough . To find rich development , then to the natural image selection , Deconstruction , reorganization , form a set of mature painting language to become the painter ' s first task . The introduction of artistic symbol is one example , so - called art symbol is a simple figure that everybody has accepted .
However , under the influence of western modern painting , the value of the image symbol in contemporary landscape painting is higher than that of the ink element forming the image . When you use solid ink to show , if the work itself has no sign , it will not be appreciated by many people .
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3 徐步;黄宾虹与20世纪的山水画写生[J];西北美术;2001年02期
4 徐步;;山水画的写生[J];文艺研究;2006年08期