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发布时间:2018-05-21 16:16

  本文选题:阿尔寨石窟 + 壁画 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Alzhai Grottoes, also known as "Baiyan Kiln", is located in the northwest of Ordos County, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, a cave cut in the local red sandy rock mountain temple. Located deep in the prairie, the grotto is a collection of temples, cliff stone carvings, murals, Uighur Mongolian script list art as one of the Buddhist art treasure. The whole cave mountain is about 40 meters high, more than 300m long from east to west, 50 meters to 80 meters wide from north to south, and the elevation of the whole rock mountain is about 1460 meters. The grottoes began to be gradually excavated in the 1980s. However, due to their long history and the influence of the local natural environment and man-made environment, the grottoes failed to be protected in time, many mountain bodies collapsed and the Buddhist statues inside the grottoes collapsed. Buildings and murals are also badly damaged. It is for these reasons that the Alzhai grottoes have been buried deep in the grasslands for years without being excavated. But even so, the value of the grottoes in terms of national culture and religious development is worth our study and exploration, especially the Alzhai Grottoes, as a collection of Buddhist rites and Buddhas on the northern grasslands of the desert. The function of national sacrifice as an integral whole, its value to nomadic people is the part that we should focus on. The function of national sacrifice in grottoes remains on the grassland of Ordos even today. In this paper, some fine murals preserved in the Alzhai Grottoes are taken as the research objects, mainly from the aspects of mural content, subject matter, drawing method and color, etc. The purpose of this paper is to explore the inheritance and integration of nomadic grassland culture and Buddhist mural art, which are different from other Buddhist murals reflected in the murals.


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