本文选题:线条 + 情感说 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:在东方的绘画作品中,使用线条作为造型手段,自古有之,也是东方艺术独有的特色。那么线条作为构成视觉艺术形象的一种基本因素和美术作品中最基本的造型手段,不仅有着丰富的表现力与强烈的艺术美感,在抽象与具象中表达作者通过作品表现的思想感情,因此,线条是艺术家独特的艺术语言。线具有它自身的审美价值和属性。线条不仅能表现形体的长短,更在于线还能抒情达意。同时通过线条还能表达画家内心深处的思想感情以及所表现的的人物形象的内在气质。中国画作品中,笔墨是形式,通过笔墨所传达出来的内容则是倾注了画家所有的情思,所反映出来的不仅有画家的性情、性格、审美倾向、人生阅历、等等。传统的绘画理论中认为“有墨无笔”或者“有笔无墨”的作品都是不好的国画作品,“笔胜于墨”是大家所欢迎的。笔墨是载体,在文人画的内容中所寄托的是文人画家的情怀。 元明清三代的能者多受到压迫,人的发展空间非常小,也不受重视,正是在这样的社会压迫下下,才会有那么多的文人最终把一腔热血或寄情山水,或创作戏曲、小说,涌现出了很多的画家,戏曲家,小说家。我从这三个政治复杂,汉人受歧视,科举取士更是艰难的社会背景下,去看当时的画家,比如元四家,徐渭,八大山人,石涛等等。我觉得徐渭是最有代表性的画家,他悲剧的人生、诗书文画的造诣,,以及他为诗、作画的思想观点深深的影响我,,钦佩他的坚持,心痛他人生中所遇到的遭遇,他用他的一生给予我对于绘画的最重要的理论,他的“真我说”、他的思想理论给予我创作画什么这个问题的答案,也使得我寻找到自己,那么我觉得我需要更加深入的去了解他,了解他的作品,解读他的诗文书画。所以本文从众多的画家中选取了徐渭这位开创了水墨大写意绘画的宗师为研究对象。 所以本文旨在通过对客体的“线条”、笔墨、以及画家的生平、思想活动来研究在画家在创作时,画家是如何把内在的真自我通过绘画作品来传达出来,从中我们获得一些关于国画创作的启示。
[Abstract]:In the paintings of the East, the use of lines as a means of modeling, since ancient times, is also a unique feature of Oriental art. Well, lines, as a basic factor in the formation of visual art images and the most basic modeling means in art works, not only have rich expressive power and strong artistic aesthetic sense, In the abstract and concrete expression of the author's thoughts and feelings through the work, therefore, the line is the artist's unique artistic language. Line has its own aesthetic value and attribute. Lines not only represent the length of the body, but also express feelings. At the same time, the lines can also express the deep feelings of the painter and the inner temperament of the characters. In the Chinese painting works, the ink is the form, the content conveyed through the pen and ink is poured into the painter's all feelings, reflects not only the artist's disposition, the esthetic tendency, the life experience, and so on. In the traditional painting theory, the works of "without ink" or "without ink" are not good works of Chinese painting, "pen is better than ink" is welcome. Pen and ink is the carrier, in the content of literati painting is entrusted with the feelings of literati painters. Many of the capable people of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties were oppressed, and the space for human development was very small and not taken seriously. It was under such social oppression that so many literati eventually put a cavity of blood or sent feelings, mountains and rivers, or created dramas, novels, etc. Many painters, operas, and novelists have sprung up. From these three complicated politics, the Han people were discriminated against, and the imperial examination was even more difficult, I went to see the painters of that time, such as the four Yuan families, Xu Wei, the eight great mountain people, Shi Tao, and so on. I think Xu Wei is the most representative painter. His tragic life, his attainments in poetry, calligraphy and painting, as well as his ideological views on poetry and painting have deeply influenced me. I admire his persistence and have a heartache for what he has encountered in his life. He used his life to give me the most important theory about painting, his theory of truth, and his theory of thought gave me the answer to the question of what to paint, and it also made me find myself. Well, I think I need to get to know him more deeply, to understand his works, to interpret his poems and paintings. Therefore, this paper selects Xu Wei, the master who pioneered the painting of large freehand brushwork, from many painters as the object of study. So the purpose of this paper is to study, through the "lines" of the object, the pen and ink, and the life and activities of the painter, how the painter conveys his true self through his paintings when he is creating. From which we get some inspiration on the creation of traditional Chinese painting.
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