本文选题:写生 + 自然 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:“写生”一般是指对客观事物进行真实而深入的认识,是面对自然物象直接对其进行描绘的一种绘画方法。中国山水画经历了从无到有的发展过程,山水画家重视“师造化”,自然生活是山水画创作的源泉,画家只有走进自然、贴近生活,才能与自然相互融合最终达到“与山川神遇而迹化”的境界。进而创作出具有个性特色的作品。所以中国山水写生不仅仅是再现自然山川,而是将山水画作品提高到一种精神境界。中国山水画水墨写生是创作必不可少的过程,是通过对自然山水的认识与描绘来抒发画家内心情感的一种创作方式。本文主要从写生的概念、发展、意义等几个方面来进行论述。 第1章:主要是阐述了写生概念和中国山水画的发展史。简述中国山水画从无到有,再到以独立画种的形象出现于艺术舞台的发展过程。讲述中国山水画的艺术地位。 第2章:主要以我多次在太行山写生的实践经验为基础进行概括论述,先介绍太行山的地理位置和在山水画发展中艺术地位的变迁。再以我对太行山的认识、描绘和体悟来论述写生在山水绘画中的重要性。在面对大自然进行写生的过程中,,最开始每个人都没有办法直接达到心领神会的境界,总要经历多次写生,多次观察与体悟,并付出常人所不能付出的努力,提出问题,解决问题,才能真正领会其宗旨。 第3章:主要阐述中国山水画写生在临摹与创作之间起到的桥梁作用。在此,我们要正确的看待传统与写生、写生与创作之间的联系,不能过分的偏重一方面,其中写生是临摹与创作之间的桥梁,要重视写生在二者之间起到的重要作用。 第4章:本章系统阐述了山水写生的重要意义。写生作为山水画创作的重要途径,在艺术家的创作过程中起着举足轻重的作用,写生有助于画家在实践中积累丰富的素材,提高艺术涵养,并在不断的实践与研究过程中确立具有独特个性的绘画风格。
[Abstract]:"sketching" generally refers to the real and deep understanding of objective things, and is a painting method which is directly described in the face of natural objects. Chinese landscape painting has experienced a process of development from nothing to existence. Landscape painters attach importance to "teacher creation", and natural life is the source of landscape painting creation. Painters only go into nature and get close to life. Ability and nature merge each other and finally reach the realm of "meeting the gods of mountains and rivers". And then create a work with individual characteristics. Therefore, Chinese landscape painting is not only to reproduce the natural landscape, but to improve the landscape painting to a spiritual state. The painting of Chinese landscape painting and ink painting is an indispensable process of creation. It is a creative way to express the artist's inner feelings through the understanding and description of natural landscape. This article mainly from the sketch concept, the development, the significance and so on several aspects carries on the elaboration. Chapter 1: mainly elaborated the sketch concept and the development history of Chinese landscape painting. This paper briefly describes the development process of Chinese landscape painting from scratch to the appearance of independent painting on the art stage. Narrate the artistic position of Chinese landscape painting. Chapter 2: based on my practical experience of painting in Taihang Mountain, this paper introduces the geographical position of Taihang Mountain and the change of artistic position in the development of landscape painting. Then I discuss the importance of sketching in landscape painting with my understanding, description and understanding of Taihang Mountain. In the process of painting in the face of nature, at the very beginning no one can directly reach the state of understanding. He has to go through many sketches, observe and realize many times, and make efforts that ordinary people cannot pay, and ask questions. Only by solving problems can we truly understand its purpose. Chapter 3: mainly expound the bridge function of Chinese landscape painting between copying and creation. Here, we should correctly look at the relationship between tradition and sketch, between sketch and creation, and should not pay too much attention to one side, in which sketching is the bridge between copying and creation, and we should attach importance to the important role of sketch between the two. Chapter 4: this chapter systematically expounds the significance of landscape sketching. As an important way to create landscape painting, sketching plays an important role in the process of artists' creation. Sketching helps painters accumulate rich materials in practice and improve artistic conservation. And in the process of continuous practice and research to establish a unique style of painting.
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