发布时间:2018-06-29 09:16
本文选题:真实 + 性格 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:从具象审美艺术到近现代的抽象表现主义,我们发现绘画艺术越来越趋向多元化的发展。绘画艺术又分为具象、意象、抽象。本论文主要就意象艺术方面来展开,最具到表性的莫兰迪在意象艺术的研究方面为后人们做了一个成功的范例。本文分四个部分来简单的谈谈莫兰迪的绘画艺术,从莫兰迪绘画中的形来展开:第一部分莫兰迪绘画中形的意义1、莫兰迪在绘画中是如何给形作的定义2、莫兰迪绘画语言中具有人格化的特征3、画面中物体本身的性格。 第二部分莫兰迪形与形之间的关系:1、写实绘画中形与形的关系的真实感2、莫兰迪绘画语言中形与形之间的意象关系3、构图上物体之间的不同关系并列、环绕、疏密。 第三部分莫兰迪的艺术为我们提供了什么样的启示:1、在意象化这个语言的道路上创造了一个成功的范例2、将真实再现的形变成有性格的形从而使作品精神化充分发挥了绘画语言本身的表现力3、中国画中的意象化并在油画中的充分利用。 第四部分中国油画一直都努力的朝着意象化来发展,例如董希文、吴昌硕、经比较莫兰迪在这方面做到了一种高度值得我们从中吸取营养。 通过对莫兰迪的绘画研究让我们学到了不要被现实中的表面物象所困住,,要仔细研究形体的内部结构找到物与物之间的关系,形与形的关系和那种的光的表现,在莫兰迪的画面上可以看到画家用笔走势反复的涂抹,边缘线的虚实处理,大胆松散的笔触,对比色之间的微妙运用等都是我们今后学习的很好的范例。
[Abstract]:From figurative aesthetic art to modern abstract expressionism, we find that painting art is more and more diversified. Painting art is divided into concrete, image, abstract. This thesis mainly focuses on image art, and Morandi, who is the most expressive one, has made a successful example for future generations in the research of image art. This article is divided into four parts to briefly talk about Morandi's painting art, The first part is the meaning of form in Morandi's painting, how Morandi defines form in painting 2. Morandi's painting language has the personification characteristic 3, the character of the object itself in the picture. The second part is the relationship between Morandi form and form: 1, the realism of the relationship between form and form in realistic painting 2, the image relation between form and form in Morandi's painting language 3, the different relations between objects in composition, the juxtaposition, circumference and density. The third part of Morandi's art provides us with what kind of enlightenment: 1, creating a successful example on the way of imagining the language 2, turning the real reappearance form into the character form, thus making the work spiritual. It exerts the expressive power of painting language itself, the imagery in Chinese painting and its full use in oil painting. The fourth part of the Chinese oil painting has been trying to develop towards imagery, such as Dong Xiwen, Wu Changshuo, by comparing Morandi in this regard to achieve a high degree of nutrition is worth us to draw from. Through the study of Morandi's paintings, we learned not to be trapped by the surface images in reality, but to study the internal structure of the body carefully to find the relationship between objects, the relationship between form and form, and the manifestation of that kind of light. In Morandi's picture, we can see that the painters use the brush trend repeatedly smear, the edge line of the false and solid treatment, bold and loose strokes, contrast between the subtle use of color are good examples for us to learn in the future.
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1 高翔;;平面性和几何造型——莫兰迪绘画的形式特征之一[J];云南艺术学院学报;2011年01期