本文选题:笔触 + 风格 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:笔触在油画当中越来越受到人们的重视,特别是在当今这个多元化的社会,笔触的运用在绘画当中凸显出来。笔触从古至今都存在着,油画最初大多数人还没有意识到笔触的魅力所在,同时也不被人所接受,在印象派以后,笔触的运用有了新的改变。随着社会的发展,生产力的提高,科技的增强,照相机的诞生,油画材料也发生了很大的变化,各种媒介工具的发明,促使了人们对绘画有了新的认识,印象派开始走出画室,摆脱在室内作画,面对大自然开始运用激情的笔触来表达着内心的真实感受,笔触凸显在画布上,有大有小,有薄有厚,形成一种肌理美。这就是画家改变了以往的作画方法,以往画家在室内运用薄画法使笔触隐匿在画面中,画面看起来很平整,,追求逼真的再现,但是照相机的发明打破了这种绘画观念,让人重新审视,印象派采用笔触的厚涂法对以往绘画进行了前所未有的改革,同时每个画家都有着自己的绘画风格,他们运用自己独特的笔触,表达着自己的内心世界,笔触开始作为画家的情感语言以及绘画风格走上新的舞台。对后世画家影响之深。 首先第一章对本论文提出问题,说明本论文的研究意义及研究方法,第二,我将笔触分为三个时期对笔触的发展史进行梳理,重点突出印象派绘画的笔触形态。第三,进一步分析笔触在印象派绘画中的特征,从审美特征、表现性特征、造型性特征来分析笔触的内在含义以及不同笔触表达印象派画家不同的绘画理念和体现着不同的绘画风格,第四,从主客观因素的影响方面来分析笔触是如何在印象派画家作品中体现其思想以及个人情感。最后,总结笔触在当下的研究价值以及研究意义。得出结论:笔触的运用在当代绘画创作中需要我们更加重视其意义和内涵,寻找自己的个性语言,运用笔触的不可太代替性创造出当代人们所喜欢的新作品,同时对笔触有新的认识和拓展。
[Abstract]:Brushwork is paid more and more attention in oil painting, especially in the pluralistic society. Since ancient times, most of the oil painting did not realize the charm of the strokes, but also was not accepted, in the Impressionism, the use of strokes has been changed. With the development of society, the improvement of productivity, the enhancement of science and technology, the birth of camera and the creation of oil painting materials, the invention of various media tools has prompted people to have a new understanding of painting, and the impressionists began to go out of the studio. Get rid of painting in the room, in the face of nature began to use passion strokes to express the true feelings of the heart, strokes highlighted on the canvas, there are big and small, thin and thick, forming a texture beauty. This is why the painter changed the painting method in the past. In the past, painters used thin painting techniques to hide the brush strokes in the picture. The picture looked flat and sought lifelike reproduction. But the invention of the camera broke this concept of painting. To re-examine, the impressionists used the thick painting method to carry out unprecedented reform of the past painting, while each painter has his own painting style, they use their own unique strokes, expressing their inner world, Brush strokes began to take on a new stage as a painter's emotional language and painting style. The impact on later generations of painters. The first chapter puts forward the question to this thesis, explains the research significance and the research method of this paper. Secondly, I divide the stroke into three periods to comb the history of the stroke development, focusing on the impressionist painting brushstroke form. Third, to further analyze the characteristics of strokes in Impressionist painting, from the aesthetic characteristics, expressive characteristics, Styling characteristics to analyze the intrinsic meaning of strokes and different strokes to express the impressionist painter's different painting ideas and reflect different painting style, fourth, From the influence of subjective and objective factors, this paper analyzes how strokes reflect their thoughts and personal feelings in the works of Impressionist painters. Finally, the paper summarizes the research value and significance of brushwork in the present. The conclusion is that the use of brushwork in contemporary painting requires us to pay more attention to its meaning and connotation, to find its own individual language, and to create new works that people like by using brushstrokes that cannot be replaced by others. At the same time, there is a new understanding and development of brush strokes.
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