发布时间:2018-07-11 18:17
本文选题:抽象 + 具象 ; 参考:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,关于创造性的研究日益受到重视,系统综合地考察创造性的观点已成为当今心理学的主流。而创造性思维是个体创造性的核心之一,也是到目前为止,测量个体创造性最为可靠并且有效的指标之一。它同时具有两重特性,一是所谓“创造性”或“新颖独创的方法”,就是打破常规、发散、想象等,这些几乎都属于直觉感性领域;另一方面它又是“思维”,是思维就有概念推理、有规则、也有聚合等,这些又属于逻辑理性的范畴。因此,创造性思维是开放自由和规范逻辑的有机结合,也是直觉感性和理智推论的有机结合。 创造性思维的直觉特性就相似于审美直觉感受的特性,所以已有研究注意到创造性与审美的内在关系(Csiksentmihalyi,J.w.eetzel,1955;Csiksentmihalyi,1988;陈大策,1999), Stein和Lingeman等列举出创造者的人格特质72项,其中第(3)项就是“审美的”,此外还有第(6)项“有艺术兴趣”、第(10)项“多才多艺”、第(39)项“富直觉的”、第(62)项“寻求感觉”等与审美相关的品质(陈龙安,1999),即二者间与直觉发散相联系的一面。 但目前为止,关于创造性与审美两者关系的实证研究几乎空白。所以本研究采用抽象与具象两类世界名画唤醒被试审美感受,以探究欣赏不同类型的绘画作品是否将对创造性问题解决产生影响,以及产生影响的机制是什么。 研究一:抽象与具象绘画作品筛选:通过网络等资源搜集西方著名抽象派油画家与写实派油画家,再依据两派画家搜集其代表作品,所有作品最终经过64名被试在具象—抽象程度、整体美感程度、色彩昏暗—鲜亮程度以及情绪的愉悦度、唤醒度、优势度共六个维度的等级评定,共搜集到绘画共246张,其中抽象绘画118张,具象绘画128张。 研究二:探讨观看抽象与具象绘画对创造性问题解决的影响:选取抽象、具象绘画各32张分别诱发被试的审美感受,以探索不同类型绘画欣赏对发散思维、顿悟以及艺术创造力的影响,结果发现在观看抽象片后被试的发散思维流畅性得分显著高于欣赏具象绘画后的得分;在五个顿悟问题上的得分均没有显著性差异;在艺术创造性评分的创造程度上有显著性差异,在可爱程度与想象水平两个维度上的差异边缘显著。 研究三:进一步探索欣赏抽象绘画或者具象绘画对完成创造性任务产生的影响是否由欣赏绘画后的所产生的不同情绪所引发。实验加入正性、中性、负性情绪变量,结果发现在解决发散思维的流畅性上抽象、具象绘画类型与情绪类型的主效应均不显著,但绘画类型与情绪类型的交互作用显著,也就是说,在没有情绪的条件下,不同绘画类型独立的对发散思维流畅性产生了影响,但正性或者负性情绪的加入,都干扰了这一效应的产生:但在解决两类顿悟任务与艺术创造性评分上均不显著。 本研究探讨了欣赏抽象、具象绘画作品对不同创造性任务是否产生影响,以及这种影响是否以情绪为中介。结果发现欣赏抽象绘画后被试在发散思维流畅性上的表现要显著高于欣赏具象绘画,并且这种效应仅发生在中性情绪条件下。但自变量对被试完成顿悟问题没有产生影响,对艺术创造力的影响并不稳定。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the research on creativity has been paid more and more attention. It has become the mainstream of modern psychology to systematically investigate creative ideas. And creative thinking is one of the core of individual creativity. So far, it is one of the most reliable and effective measures to measure the creativity of individual. The "creative" or "innovative and original methods" is to break the conventional, divergent, and imaginative fields, which almost all belong to the field of intuition and sensibility. On the other hand, it is "thinking", and the thinking has conceptual reasoning, rules, and aggregation, which belong to the logical category. Therefore, creative thinking is open and standard. The organic combination of logic is also an organic combination of intuition and rational reasoning.
The intuition characteristic of creative thinking is similar to the characteristic of aesthetic intuition, so it has been paid attention to the inner relationship between creativity and aesthetics (Csiksentmihalyi, J.w.eetzel, 1955; Csiksentmihalyi, 1988; Chen Da policy, 1999), Stein and Lingeman to enumerate the personality traits of the creator 72, of which item (3) is "aesthetic". In addition, there are (6) item (6) "interested in art", (10) "versatile", (39) "rich intuition", (62) "seeking feeling" and other aesthetic quality related qualities (Chen Longan, 1999), that is, the link between the two and the divergence of intuition.
But so far, the empirical study on the relationship between creativity and aesthetics is almost blank. Therefore, this study uses two kinds of world famous paintings of abstract and concrete to arouse the aesthetic feeling of the subjects, in order to explore whether the appreciation of different types of paintings will have an impact on the solution of creative problems and what the mechanism of the impact is.
Research 1: abstract and figurative painting screening: collect the famous Western oil painters and realistic oil painters through the network and other resources, and collect their representative works on the basis of two painters. All the works eventually pass through the 64 subjects in the representational abstraction degree, the overall aesthetic degree, the color dim degree and the pleasure of the mood. A total of 246 paintings were collected, including 118 abstract paintings and 128 128 representational paintings.
Study two: To explore the influence of viewing abstract and figurative painting on creative problem solving: abstract and concrete painting each 32 to induce the aesthetic feeling of the subjects respectively, in order to explore the influence of different types of painting appreciation on divergent thinking, insight and artistic creativity, and find out the fluency of the divergent thinking after watching the abstract film. The score was significantly higher than that after the figurative painting; there were no significant differences in the scores on the five insight problems; there were significant differences in the creative degree of artistic creativity and the difference between the two dimensions of the level of loveliness and the level of imagination was significant.
Study three: to further explore whether the influence of abstract painting or figurative painting on the creation of creative tasks is caused by the different emotions after the appreciation of the painting. The experiment is added to the positive, neutral, negative emotional variables, and the results are found in the solution of the fluency of the divergent thinking, the figurative painting type and the emotional type. The main effect is not significant, but the interaction between the type of painting and the type of emotion is significant, that is to say, under the condition of no emotion, the different types of painting have an influence on the fluency of divergent thinking, but the addition of positive or negative emotions interferes with the effect of the two types of insight tasks and artistic creation. There was no significant difference in the building score.
In this study, the effect of the appreciation of abstract, figurative paintings on different creative tasks and whether this effect is mediated by emotion is found. The results show that the performance of the subjects in the flow of divergent thinking after the appreciation of abstract painting is significantly higher than that of the appreciation of the figurative painting, and this effect occurs only under neutral mood conditions. Independent variables have no effect on the subjects' insight problems, and their influence on artistic creativity is not stable.
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