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发布时间:2018-07-12 12:33

  本文选题:线 + 线造型 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:线是中国绘画中重要的语言符号.是中国绘画最主要的表现方式。 线,作为一种绘画语言,在史前时期与文明之初,东、西方是一样的,因为,线作为绘画的手段表达起来是最为直接、简洁的。但是中西方文明发展的方向不同,,西方绘画向着三维空间和立体化的方向发展,慢慢放弃了这种最初的造型手段。然而,中国绘画不但没有丢弃线这种造型手段,反而根据自己的文化特点,把线的表现形式进行了发展。 本文从传统绘画中线的起源与发展这一点着手,通过对传统绘画中线的作用、线的美感、线的表现方式进行分析与研究,并结合自己的创作实践感受,试从线的本体语言的角度来说明线在传统绘画中的重要地位和对后世的深远影响。 文章大致分为四个章节来分析线。第一章主要是从线的起源与发展的角度简述线的发展历程。大概将线的发展分为先秦时期、秦汉时期、隋唐时期、宋元时期、明清时期五个阶段。其中还对各时期绘画作品中的线进行了简要概述,以期得出线在各时期的艺术特点。第二章则侧重于对以线造型研究为主,书写性、情感性研究为辅来叙述线在传统绘画中的作用。第三章通过对不同的绘画作品的解读与学习来认识传统绘画中线的美感;即线的形式美、韵律美、装饰美。最后第四章通过对当代绘画作品的赏析、结合传统绘画中线的艺术特点分析其在当代绘画作品中的运用和发展,以及线的表现形式对当代绘画作品的影响。
[Abstract]:Line is an important language symbol in Chinese painting. Chinese painting is the most important way of expression. Lines, as a language of painting, were the same in the prehistoric period and in the beginning of civilization, because they were the most direct and succinct means of painting. But the development direction of Chinese and western civilization is different. Western painting develops towards three dimensional space and three-dimensional direction, and slowly gives up this initial modeling method. However, Chinese painting not only did not abandon the line, but also developed its expression according to its own cultural characteristics. This paper begins with the origin and development of the middle line of traditional painting, through the analysis and research of the function, aesthetic feeling and expression mode of the line in the traditional painting, and combines the experience of their own creative practice. This paper tries to explain the important position of line in traditional painting and its profound influence on later generations from the angle of line's ontology language. The article is divided into four chapters to analyze the line. The first chapter describes the development of line from the perspective of its origin and development. The development of line is divided into five stages: pre-Qin, Qin and Han, Sui and Tang dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasties, and Ming and Qing dynasties. It also gives a brief overview of the lines in the painting works of each period in order to obtain the artistic characteristics of each period. The second chapter focuses on the line modeling research, writing, affective research to narrate the role of line in traditional painting. The third chapter through the interpretation and study of different painting works to understand the beauty of traditional painting midline, that is, line form beauty, rhythm beauty, decorative beauty. Finally, the fourth chapter through the appreciation of contemporary paintings, combined with the artistic characteristics of traditional painting midline analysis of its use and development in contemporary paintings, as well as the line of the expression of the impact on contemporary painting works.


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