发布时间:2018-07-17 01:14
【摘要】:弘仁是明末清初著名的画僧,山水画风格以冷峻、峭拔见长。擅长用坚挺的墨线描绘山水景物,其简约、清奇的绘画风格传达出一种冷逸、超脱的绘画意境,在同时期遗民群体中,弘仁的遗民思想也显现出了不同于其他遗民的特殊性在里面。 弘仁特殊绘画面貌的形成有着诸多复杂而深刻的原因。他生活的时代,是明末清初的社会大动荡时代,是国家民族命运遭遇转折的天崩地裂的时代。在满清入主中原之后,汉族知识分子面临着是忠于旧朝还是与新朝合作的选择,选择忠于旧朝则成为遗民。弘仁即选择忠于汉族旧朝、忠于正统,遂成为遗民群体的一员。遗民群体的成员大多是文人知识分子,遗民群体通过诗文、绘画、文集等方式,来表达自己的观点和抒发自己内心情感,这些遗民诗、遗民绘画透露着深沉、庞杂的遗民思想,或表现挣扎抗争、或安然隐退、或激烈孤愤。弘仁在遭遇家国不幸之后,思想深处由“儒”转向“道”,最后转向佛家,并出家为僧。在之后的人生经历中,一直受儒、道、佛的影响,心态由抗争趋向平和,遗民思想也因心态的变化而趋向宁静、平和,绘画风格面貌相应的表现出超脱、雅逸的意境。 弘仁的遗民思想主要体现在他的绘画面貌所传达的冷逸、清奇的意境当中。本文试图从弘仁的绘画风格上,深入分析研究弘仁特有的绘画意境,,并透过他的绘画意境分析他对于“逸”的审美追求,最终分析研究他遗民思想的特殊性与代表性。
[Abstract]:Hongren is a famous painting monk in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. Good at using strong ink lines to describe landscape, its simplicity, Qingqi painting style conveys a cool, detached artistic conception of painting, in the same period of the group of survivors, Hongren's thought of the bereaved people also shows the particularity which is different from the others. There are many complicated and profound reasons for the formation of Hongren's special painting appearance. He lived in a period of great social turbulence in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, and a time when the nation's destiny was turned. After the Manchu Dynasty took over the Central Plains, the intellectuals of Han nationality were faced with the choice of whether to be loyal to the old dynasty or to cooperate with the new one, and to choose to be loyal to the old dynasty became a relic. Hongren chose to be loyal to the Han Dynasty and orthodoxy and became a member of the bereaved community. Most of the members of the group are literati intellectuals. The group of survivors expresses their views and expresses their inner feelings by means of poems, paintings, collections, and so on. These poems and paintings of the survivors reveal deep, complex thoughts of the people. Or show struggle and struggle, or retreat safely, or fierce solitary indignation. After suffering the misfortune of his family, Hongren turned from Confucianism to Taoism, finally to Buddhism, and became a monk. In the later life experience, has been influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, the mentality from the resistance to peace, the mentality of the people because of the change of mentality and tend to quiet, peaceful, painting style of the face of the corresponding performance of the detached, elegant artistic conception. Hongren's relic thought is mainly reflected in his painting features conveyed in the cold, Qingqi artistic conception. This paper attempts to analyze and study Hongren's unique artistic conception from his painting style, and through his artistic conception to analyze his aesthetic pursuit of "ease", and finally to analyze the particularity and representativeness of his people's thoughts.
[Abstract]:Hongren is a famous painting monk in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. Good at using strong ink lines to describe landscape, its simplicity, Qingqi painting style conveys a cool, detached artistic conception of painting, in the same period of the group of survivors, Hongren's thought of the bereaved people also shows the particularity which is different from the others. There are many complicated and profound reasons for the formation of Hongren's special painting appearance. He lived in a period of great social turbulence in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, and a time when the nation's destiny was turned. After the Manchu Dynasty took over the Central Plains, the intellectuals of Han nationality were faced with the choice of whether to be loyal to the old dynasty or to cooperate with the new one, and to choose to be loyal to the old dynasty became a relic. Hongren chose to be loyal to the Han Dynasty and orthodoxy and became a member of the bereaved community. Most of the members of the group are literati intellectuals. The group of survivors expresses their views and expresses their inner feelings by means of poems, paintings, collections, and so on. These poems and paintings of the survivors reveal deep, complex thoughts of the people. Or show struggle and struggle, or retreat safely, or fierce solitary indignation. After suffering the misfortune of his family, Hongren turned from Confucianism to Taoism, finally to Buddhism, and became a monk. In the later life experience, has been influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, the mentality from the resistance to peace, the mentality of the people because of the change of mentality and tend to quiet, peaceful, painting style of the face of the corresponding performance of the detached, elegant artistic conception. Hongren's relic thought is mainly reflected in his painting features conveyed in the cold, Qingqi artistic conception. This paper attempts to analyze and study Hongren's unique artistic conception from his painting style, and through his artistic conception to analyze his aesthetic pursuit of "ease", and finally to analyze the particularity and representativeness of his people's thoughts.
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