发布时间:2018-07-17 16:33
【摘要】:中国画的发展是中国文化进化史的一种演变,一种艺术形式或风格的确立,需要的是几十年、数百年甚至上千年的艺术理论和文化思想作为积淀。中国山水画发展到北宋时期已经到达顶峰,在这一阶段,李成是其中出色山水画家之 本文从李成山水画创作题材寒林入手,并从李成的生平经历、绘画审美取向和绘画风格深入探析他绘画中的寒林题材、构图、笔墨语言和意境。 首先,李成的寒林题材主要包括枯木寒林,雪景寒林;李成的寒林枯枝在追求逼真的树木形态的同时局部刻画上也常带有写意的手法。 其次,在构图上,把传统的纵向构图变为横向构图,把险峻的崇山峻岭变为平远的寒林枯木。李成创造出了“烟林平远”之妙,他的绘画舍弃了雄伟壮观的山峦,这种惯用的山水题材,而把视线放在近处平缓土坡的树木、石头上 然后,李成在笔墨的运用上,用笔肯定,直抒性情,清淡而委婉,绝无犹疑、含混之笔墨。他的笔墨用的精微巧妙,这主要源于他很高的文学素养、思想境界和长期的笔墨锻炼。 最后,李成山水作品追求意境的萧疏,烟林清旷,山水秀润伟岸。李成善画寒林枯木,最主要的原因是他偏爱这种独特题材所传达出淡泊,冷寒,萧条和苍古之趣的意境。他画面中那种古雅,清劲的画风更是无人能及,他把寒林的清寂之美表现的淋漓尽致。李成将中国山水画,尤其是北宋山水画领向了一个新的高度,自此,中国山水画的发展日渐成熟。他所创立的艺术表现技法和绘画思想,在今后的山水画世界中发挥着深远的影响。
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese painting is an evolution of Chinese cultural evolution and the establishment of an artistic form or style, which requires the accumulation of artistic theories and cultural thoughts for decades, centuries or even thousands of years. Chinese landscape painting has reached its peak in the Northern Song Dynasty. In this stage, Li Cheng is one of the outstanding landscape painters. This paper begins with the theme of Li Cheng landscape painting, and starts with the life experience of Li Cheng. The aesthetic orientation and style of painting in his paintings deeply explore the theme, composition, language and artistic conception of Han Lin. First of all, Li Cheng's cold forest theme mainly includes dead wood cold forest, snowscape cold forest; Li Cheng cold forest withered branch in pursuit of lifelike tree shape at the same time local depiction is often with freehand brushwork. Secondly, in the composition, the traditional vertical composition into the horizontal composition, the steep mountains into the cold forest dead wood. Li Cheng created the beauty of the "smoke forest," in which his paintings abandoned the majestic mountains, the usual landscape themes, and focused their attention on trees, stones, and then, Li Cheng, on the use of ink and pen, near the gentle slope of the earth. Pen affirmation, straight express temperament, light and euphemism, never hesitant, vague ink. The subtle and ingenious use of his pen and ink is mainly due to his high literary quality, ideological state and long-term exercise. Finally, Li Cheng landscape works pursue the artistic conception of Xiao Shu, smoke forest clear, landscape Xirun Wei an. The main reason for Li Chengshan's painting of dead wood in cold forest is his preference for the indifferent, cold, depressed and ancient interest of this unique subject matter. In his picture that kind of quaint, clear-spirited painting style is no one can compare, he expresses the cold forest's pure silence the beauty incisively and vividly. Li Cheng led the Chinese landscape painting, especially the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting, to a new height. Since then, the development of Chinese landscape painting has become more and more mature. His artistic expression techniques and painting ideas play a profound role in the future landscape painting world.
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese painting is an evolution of Chinese cultural evolution and the establishment of an artistic form or style, which requires the accumulation of artistic theories and cultural thoughts for decades, centuries or even thousands of years. Chinese landscape painting has reached its peak in the Northern Song Dynasty. In this stage, Li Cheng is one of the outstanding landscape painters. This paper begins with the theme of Li Cheng landscape painting, and starts with the life experience of Li Cheng. The aesthetic orientation and style of painting in his paintings deeply explore the theme, composition, language and artistic conception of Han Lin. First of all, Li Cheng's cold forest theme mainly includes dead wood cold forest, snowscape cold forest; Li Cheng cold forest withered branch in pursuit of lifelike tree shape at the same time local depiction is often with freehand brushwork. Secondly, in the composition, the traditional vertical composition into the horizontal composition, the steep mountains into the cold forest dead wood. Li Cheng created the beauty of the "smoke forest," in which his paintings abandoned the majestic mountains, the usual landscape themes, and focused their attention on trees, stones, and then, Li Cheng, on the use of ink and pen, near the gentle slope of the earth. Pen affirmation, straight express temperament, light and euphemism, never hesitant, vague ink. The subtle and ingenious use of his pen and ink is mainly due to his high literary quality, ideological state and long-term exercise. Finally, Li Cheng landscape works pursue the artistic conception of Xiao Shu, smoke forest clear, landscape Xirun Wei an. The main reason for Li Chengshan's painting of dead wood in cold forest is his preference for the indifferent, cold, depressed and ancient interest of this unique subject matter. In his picture that kind of quaint, clear-spirited painting style is no one can compare, he expresses the cold forest's pure silence the beauty incisively and vividly. Li Cheng led the Chinese landscape painting, especially the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting, to a new height. Since then, the development of Chinese landscape painting has become more and more mature. His artistic expression techniques and painting ideas play a profound role in the future landscape painting world.
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