发布时间:2018-07-18 14:43
【摘要】:十七世纪是荷兰艺术史上的黄金时代,这一时期出现了大批的优秀画家,其中不乏绘画大师。十七世纪的荷兰独立并建立了资本主义国家,经济的崛起使得荷兰人民物质富足,精神文化需求进一步加强,催生了荷兰艺术的繁荣景象,繁衍出风格、内容上更贴近中产阶级审美观的风景画、风俗画、动物画以及静物画。其中,静物画随着荷兰这个时期的崛起出现了辉煌,从以往从属陪衬的地位转变成独立的画作呈现,并且在整个绘画史上体现出代表荷兰的群体性面貌特征。静物画以各类不同的视角展现其在绘画史的价值。每一个静物除了具有视觉描绘性之外,更包含了物质文化的意义,令荷兰的荣耀与辉煌永载史册。本文通过17世纪的荷兰静物画作品中的视觉语言,了解荷兰当时的物质生产和生活状况。物质资料的成果能够满足人们精神的需要,因此静物画的出现体现了其意义及价值。静物画内容丰富,真实展现当时的生活与社会品位,具有研究的代表意义。揭示静物图在荷兰文化体系和荷兰文明中的形成、变化及其所表现或隐喻的思想观念。 本文主要内容是对十七世纪荷兰静物画的发展历程进行梳理,探讨荷兰静物画的起源与发展,以及与同时期其他国家静物画的差异。从荷兰的商业贸易与静物画的联系角度分析画面中出现的具有典型荷兰国家意义的物资,包括国内物资、国外物资、荷兰东西印度公司进口的物资在画面中的真实反映。再结合荷兰静物画的图像资料对其进行分类整理,逐一论述,将花卉水果静物画、庖厨静物画、餐桌静物画、劝世(Vanitas)静物画、单色调静物画、奢华静物画的形成、原因、特点等进行分析研究,分析静物画的内容。探讨静物画在视觉上的哲学反映和象征寓意,通过静物画所反映出画家的观念与思想等因素,分析十七世纪的荷兰静物画更深层次的内涵意义。本文的价值在于将十七世纪的荷兰静物画作为一个群体性面貌研究,从多个角度和侧面探讨荷兰静物画在时代中成为经典的原因。
[Abstract]:The 17th century is the golden age in the history of the Dutch art , and a great number of outstanding painters emerged during the period of the seventeenth century . In the seventeenth century , the Dutch independent and established the capitalist countries , the rise of the economy made the Dutch people rich , the spiritual and cultural needs further strengthened , and created the Dutch art ' s prosperity and prosperity .
This paper discusses the origin and development of the Dutch electrostatic painting in the seventeenth century , and discusses the differences between the origin and development of the Dutch electrostatic painting , and the differences between the materials imported from other countries in the same period .
[Abstract]:The 17th century is the golden age in the history of the Dutch art , and a great number of outstanding painters emerged during the period of the seventeenth century . In the seventeenth century , the Dutch independent and established the capitalist countries , the rise of the economy made the Dutch people rich , the spiritual and cultural needs further strengthened , and created the Dutch art ' s prosperity and prosperity .
This paper discusses the origin and development of the Dutch electrostatic painting in the seventeenth century , and discusses the differences between the origin and development of the Dutch electrostatic painting , and the differences between the materials imported from other countries in the same period .
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