[Abstract]:Abstract expressionism reflects not objective things, so it is difficult to understand the thoughts and feelings that the author wants to convey to people. This requires us to interpret what kind of spiritual factors the creators used to express their feelings from the artist's own point of view. Jackson Pollock's works of abstract expressionism contain different contents because of the different information of the works, the experience of life, the aesthetic vision and the psychological expectation. Therefore, through Jung's psychological analysis of the unconscious mechanism, to better interpret the abstract expressionism works in the non-objective content. The concept of unconsciousness is derived from Freud's psychoanalytic theory at the beginning of the 20th century. From the point of view of irrationality, the people who are bound under the shackles of reason can be fully released from the real inner world. Once this theory is put forward, it directly affects every field of human life. After accepting Jung's psychoanalysis Pollock rediscovered himself and sought the source of inspiration in the inner spirit from the collective unconscious. Starting from the nature of the unconscious, it can really explain the artistic thought conveyed by Pollock's artistic creation.
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