[Abstract]:The oil paintings of urban life in China have developed for more than 20 years from the 1990s to today. We can clearly feel the influence and change of the urbanization process from the works of the more than 20 years. These works have gradually shifted from the presentation of the realistic objects to the expression of the inner feelings.
The formation of emotion in an oil painting is inseparable from the role of real life. The emotional changes brought by real life are directly or indirectly incorporated into the picture. The emotion expressed in the oil painting is the emotional experience of the painter's personal or the other people who can touch the painter. The formation of personal feelings is closely related to the social life. The emotion in the oil painting is not the original emotion in the real life, but the meaning of the aesthetic. It is to refine the emotions in the real life of the city. An emotion formed after sublimation is a unique emotion that holds the painter's aesthetic attitude to the object to be painted. The emotion expressed by urban oil painting is not only the emotional experience of the painter himself, but also the general emotion of the people in this era. It is necessary to achieve emotional expression. Without emotional expression, oil painting has no vitality, and emotional expression is the soul of urban oil painting.
The emotion that the painter holds in the work is a kind of praise; some is a kind of criticism; some are relaxed and joyful; some are heavy and sad. These emotions with clear tendency are not produced without reason. They are always closely linked to some phenomena in real life. The painter's phenomenon in real life. By thinking and judging, we get some essential things. These essential things act on the painter's emotion and make the emotion clear. The painter integrates the emotion with a clear tendency into his own creation to express some views on life. It reflects the painter's thinking and cognition of the real life.
When a painter analyses the people and things in real life, it will appreciate the meaning and truth of it. In the picture, the meaning and truth can not be described like writing, then how do they pass to the appreciating person? When a painter writes a piece of work, it is clear and clear of the idea that he wants to express. To the audience, it is necessary to combine the characters, the props and the background as the director of a stage play, together with the color and light, so that the problems to be expressed are more prominent. In this process, the painter can even use exaggeration and imagination, but from the beginning to the end, the painter is all of a strong emotion. Domination. All performance is also emotional expression. This emotion is not inborn, it is formed after the painter's serious experience and thinking about the real life.
The reflection and perception of the painter in urban life are expressed by the painter in the form of painting. Thus, a painting is full of true feelings and thought-provoking works. The emotion in the urban oil painting works is given by the real life, the real life is like a book, the emotion in the oil painting is better than the feeling. After reading the life, the emotional experience is harvested. The emotional experience is clearer and the desire to be expressed is stronger, so the painter puts it in the painting. The emotion in the painting is the painter's interpretation of the real life.
An oil painting can only make the viewer understand the emotions contained in it. The oil painting with emotional expression is like a person with a thought and a soul. It is life and can communicate with people. The vitality of the urban oil painting lies in the expression of emotion. Oil painting is the embodiment of spiritual civilization and its weight. The function of it is to vent people's emotions and to wash the soul of the people. The charm of urban oil painting is not only the aesthetic experience it brings to the people who appreciate it, but it can convey a certain emotion clearly to the people. The painter integrates his special emotional experience of urban life into the performance of oil painting. The aesthetic feeling that the picture shows to everyone is unique. At the moment, the visual art has changed a lot. The urban oil painting has begun to pay more attention to the feeling of the mind, especially the emotional transmission. The emotion of the urban oil painting creates a profound change in the form of oil painting, and it is oil in our country. The art of painting presents a unique new posture. The things that the urban oil painting shows are the new reality after the filter of the author's own emotion, and it is of vitality. Otherwise, the urban oil painting will lose its living soul.
In this paper, through collecting and consulting relevant literature, including art history, art generality, art academic paper, aesthetic, oil painting emotional analysis, art and life relations books, and select some typical artists and representative works to analyze and compare, study the expression significance of urban life oil painting, and then discuss The emotional expression is the soul of the urban oil painting.
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